Monday, October 25, 2010

I hope David Hancocks see's this with my respect and admiration.

I don't want to be the one to break it to the circus animal industry, who need's that trouble, right, but you folks lost another battle this year, and the war is drawing to a close, unless you grow up an get real. There are a lot of other folk's just as concerned as I am. I offered up my first born, please don't tell me I don't care.

Earlier this year I was sent this newspaper article many months ago,

Circus brings back tigers « Tiger World News

Rather then posting it in March, I decided to sit on it and see how it was going to play out. I was embarrassed by the words of Chuck Werner, to be honest, as it appeared he had gotten a hold of an old Roland Butler booklet, and was quoting. I think it is time to get a new "schtick", as it doesn't appear the world is buying it any more. I have posted the comments to the article also, so that me can observe how folks responded to the article. If you have enough insight, you can find "flaws/untrue statements" in the whole story including comments. But how did they respond? Now that it is Sunday morning, and the dust has cleared, it is time to clean up the class and broken bottles behind Show Folks after the Saturday Main Event, or there will be no tomorrow. A lot of "circus blogs/sites" have taken to not posting much about what is going on. Not because they don't care, no it is to protect the mutt's from crapping in their pants, and making a fool out of themselves, and their industry. They are protecting you, from yourself. They don't want to tell you, because look what happens when they do. So like dealing with a spastic, who will hurt themselves, they just avoid it. Guess what, it isn't going away. So you better learn to deal with it, with some semblance of intelligence. Why is a self proclaimed "little girl" spouting industry doctrine all over the internet, fueld on by "adults!!!!!" Nobody knew, they just knew they wished she would stop. Name another industry in the world that has "uninformed children" representing them world wide?

Why are you losing the war? Because you defend your industry like a troup of Jane Goodall's apes armed with sticks and rocks(at least be accurate, and call yourself "troop Felicia". In the 6th century BC, a great General named Sun Tzu wrote a treatise title "The Art of War," that is still used today in business and managerial studies. A very basic concept, and the easiest way to defeat an army is to cause disruption and chaos in their ranks. The circus industry has thus far been pretty easy to "cause disruption and chaos in the ranks." Like any baboon army, it is as easy as throwing a handful of raisins amoungst them, and they will turn on each other. Look at all the "information" that was given to the world in the threads on October 20th???? If you have to defend your industry, by pointing at someone else in the industry, you told the world you are in a world of hurt!!!! I had over two dozen private emails telling me "thank you, we wish someone would have said something before". I couldn't post them, because they also took the opportunity to "point the finger" at someone else. Why didn't someone else say something to someone? Were they afraid? Did they hope it would go away? Or we they just going to "pound" it out of them.

To see the "revealing" threads, scroll to Oct. 2o, 2010, and scroll backwards to today, Oct. 25, 2010

You need to take a look in the mirror, circus industry, and you need to "police yourselves, or someone will do it for you." The word's that started this "battle" we taken off of a site known as circuspace, which as far as I knew wasn't operating any more, and sent to me, with the question, "why do we(the circus) let this continue. You can see the same kind of statements all over the internet, if you don't have the time to listen to it live, in any jackpot session.

Long ago, I asked to have sent to me, any examples of another animal industry zoo, rodeo, horse raceing, beef industry, etc. etc, any animal industry, defending it's self by pointing a finger at the circus animal industry. Not a single example was forthcoming. Do you know why, they don't have to. They police themselves, they don't let uninformed adults and little girls do it for them. Do you know how many example's of the circus pointing a finger at them, the rodeo industry has on file. Over 600. I bet the other industries have as many, if not more.

No folks, you are not losing the war because you don't have "the big bucks", or because of video and tv, or because the the world hates you in general, or the economy is bad. No, you are getting your meal ticket punched because you turn on each other,and other industries in the same boat as you, like an uneducated troop of monkeys. That shoe is there for anybody that want's to put it on. I'm not lying to you, read the comments in the link above. At one point I was "thanked for taking the bait." It is me that should be doing the thanking, as this has been an ungoing illustration, started when the link above was sent to me earlier this year. Recall how "the other side of society" deals with their beliefs:

On August 23, this story was posted

"An ill-fitting new home for the National Zoo's elephants"

and on Sept 21, this commentary was posted.

""Zoological Consultant" Peter Stroud"

Read the comments posted by ammcomms, as good intentioned "zoo fan" who took offense to what I had written about Peter Stroud. Note the threats at violence and bodily harm. Note the insinuations of stalking, pedophilia, etc. etc. No use of Miley Cyrus as an example of how adults deal with her!!!! No just a very intelligent rebuttal.

On another thread also on Sept. 21 this well meaning, and very good intentioned "zoo fan" sent a link to a story, illustrating that Peter Stroud was wrong, and she had misread it. All I had to do to point that out was to "use the fact's" as she had presented them. No need to theaten to send my daddy to beat her up, no need to get a front row seat to the fight. You don't need to resort to that when the fact's support you.

"Viewing angles--The Fénykövi Elephant"

David Hancocks need's no introduction on the blog. He is a man from the captive animal field whom I respect very much. For anyone who does feel he need's "credentials", consider that it is through his knowledge and effort and the effort of Jon Coe organization that we were treated to a new era in zoo exhibit's and saw a new word used to describe a feeling while viewing animals in a zoological park, "immersion", all due respect to Hagenbeck and Grzimek.

Trends in Zoo Exhibits - Jon Coe Design

We had a lively debate on the blog, in which Mr. Hancocks was discusssed, at time with little apparent respect. That wasn't true, as I respect him very much, but the other commenters had very valid issues.. I was thrilled when he responded to "defend" his position, as he is more then qualifed to speak on the subject of elephants in a zoological situation. It gave me the opportunity to ask a few more questions.

August 27, 2010

"David Hancocks--Honolulu Zoo's new "Asian Forest Elephant Habitat.""

August 30, 2010

"From the Washington Post"

After not hearing a response from Mr. Hancocks for for a week, I posted the below commentary, in which I called out a number of folks, including Mr. Hancocks. People have asked me, "I wonder why he never responded?" Well folks, he did. He responded on Sept 13, 2010. I just kept it in file and didn't post it. We wanted to first illustrate to the circus industry how they are losing the war, and why. They need to take a long look in the mirror if they are even going to have any chance of gaining membership to their cause. People ask daily "I wonder why the circus and zoo don't stick together like they used to, and deal with each other. I want to ask each of you, "would you join up with an army, when all their soldiers are falling on their swords?" Illustrated above is how "civilized" people respond. If you need an example of civilized, as well as confident with your facts, here is the comment sent on Sept. 13, 2010 by David Hancocks in response to my thread below. Folks, here is the kicker. If I could be convinced, without a shadow of a doubt that the organizations he is associated with are truly interested in "improving captive elephant husbandry and their life in the zoological field" and not ultimately "the closing of elephant exhibits in zoo's and the closing of zoo's all together", I would be on his side in a moment. That's how you win champions for you cause. Not threaten them when you disagee with them. Not blame it on something, or some one else. Not turn on each other. You get your fact clean, and you present them.

September 10, 2010

"Permit me to go "Glenn Beck" for a moment, and ponder WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!!!"

Dear Wade:
My apologies for a late response. 1, Sickness (It's flu season here) and 2, busy with very overdue deadline. Also I have to admit I spend very little time on the internet.
Furthermore, I am not smart enough to figure out how to find the questions you posed earlier! As I recall you asked me (I think) about comments by Peter Stroud and by IDA, and about criticisms from both of them on zoos.
I cannot speak for either of them, of course, but it does occur to me that if zoos would be more diligent critics of their own standards and activities, rather than spending so much energy on circling their wagons and on singing their own praises, then there would be much less need for non-zoo people to do that job for them.
I hope that your blog encourages some of them to be more objective and less circumspect. As for me -- and I suspect maybe also for you -- I get kicked from both sides.

Posted by David to The Circus "NO SPIN ZONE" at September 13, 2010 8:05 AM

Esteemed Sir:

"I get kicked from both sides." What ever do you mean? I have no idea what you are talking about. LOL I just pray the animals we both respect come out on top.

Much respect,
Wade Burck


  1. I don't know any of the people involved with this argument which has flared up on your blog,so my views should not be seen as personal attacks.

    However I can see parallels between what is happening in the circus industry in your country and mine (Australia).
    Over the years I have been frequently dissapointed with the represention given by some members of the circus animal industry.
    My opinion is that some of the biggest harm to the industry comes from within our own ranks.

    I don't believe youth is an excuse either,as I am 18.

    Often whenever AR and circus people converse nothing more is achieved other than a cheap,thoughtless slanging match.
    Both sides often seem as ignorant as each other.
    I couldn't agree more with your point of not degrading other animal industries into justifying your own industry's existance.

    Sometimes too some circus people just have to face up to the fact that there are some circuses that just shouldn't own animals.
    All of us must do our best,to make sure we are not one of these.

    I care enormously about preserving the future of circus animal acts.
    I have recently trained my own dog act,while my parents train horses.
    I have tried to do my bit to better improve the image of circuses by setting up a facebook group that shows people how the animals are : housed,trained,traveled,and what their daily life entails.

    (If you are interested in seeing my Facebook group,type in "Eroni's Circus Animals"
    While we don't have exotics we are absolutely not opposed to them in circuses.We are just not an established enough show to do it properly yet.
    However I think even showing people the life lived by any circus animal (be it dogs,horses,etc) goes a long way to improving circus PR.
    It's certainly worth a try. :)

    Kelly Maynard

  2. Kelly,
    May I call you Kelly? Welcome and we are glad to have you and your insight. You seem to be a bright, learned young person, which is what the industry we love, need's more of these day's if we are to prevail. The future is indeed shining, with more young folk's like you leading it into tomorrow, and I appreciate that Australia has taken a heck of a beating. Don't worry about how they "view" your comment. You need to develop a real thick skin, if you are going to have an opinion different from the majority in the circus. Type "Thread continued from "leopard" debate--Let the both sides be heard." in the search bar if you want to get to know some of the folks better.
    I applaud your family for not using exotics, as "We are just not an established enough show to do it properly yet." That speaks volumes for your concern, caring, and compassion for captive animals in the circus, more so then showing the daily life, which is commendable. The day's of "how many elephants" you had dictating whether it was a big show or a good show are long gone, thankfully. I recall a sad period of time in American circus history, in the early 70's when there were boat and plane loads of baby African elephants arriving in the United States, and every little "Mom and Pop Dog and Pony Show" here could buy one for as little as 2000.00, and most of them did, although nobody seem's to know what has become of them today.
    The absolute nonsense of thinking because my father, grandfather, great grandfather, great great grandfather had an elephant, so that qualifies and validate's you to have one is ancient outdated history. Monarchy's don't sit to well here in the Colonies, and that kind of thinking, of superiority and "birth right" is better suited for England, Denmark, or Monaco, where they tolerate that that sort of thing, in a neutered, watered down form, much as we tolerate an old crippled dog, respecting him until the day he dies, and then replacing him with a new pup.
    We will appreciate and look forward to your "expert commentary" in the future Kelly, and hearing more about the circus in Australia. If you could do me a favor, I have a mate down under, who goes by the handle, Steve Robinson. A super guy, but not quite as bright as you are(probably from a different family line or something.) If you could, try to get him on your bandwagon. Meanwhile, friend request me on face book, Wade Burck, and I would be honored to approve.
    Be safe,

  3. I apologise for my delay in replying.
    Been very busy lately with the show,not a lot of time left for the internet!
    Thank you for the kind words.

    I was unable to find the thread you suggested,but I get the general gist of the argument.

    I found it pretty suprising about the cheapness and availability of elephants once in the US.
    Although I've always found it fascinating the differences between circuses overseas and here.

    My father used to work his family's four elephants many years ago.Unfortunetly all but one have now died leaving no performing elephants in Australian circus anymore.
    So to hear of elephants being very common and to see photos online of numerous shows with large acts,breeding herds,etc is very foreign indeed.
    Australia also only has two big cat acts.
    Although only a recently trained act,even my Dad's liberty act is the only one in Australian circus to use horses (as opposed to ponies).
    Would love to see some of the big animal circuses one day,before they possibly go the way of Oz.

    Before then I hope one day soon to set up an educational website that deals specifically with teaching people what life in a modern day animal circus (in Australia) is really all about.
    People have the right to know what they should expect when visiting an animal circus,including the parts they don't so often get to

    Hopefully it'll even out some of the shocking bias facing anyone who tries to inform themselves by researching circus animals online.

    I mean when PeTA can seriously state as fact on their circus animal website that
    horses don't ever naturally rear,there is a real need for circuses to get pro active and tell it like it is.

    Kelly Maynard

  4. Kelly,
    Brilliant, just brilliant. I wish we could get you over here to the States, to work on our public relations. You are a shining example of what I call a "generational"(someone born in the business). There is a great private zoo on your side of the world called The Darling Downs Zoo, that trains animals. Have you heard of it? They do some wonderful educational things and you ought to hook up with them, and share your great ideas. Here is their web address if you aren't familiar with the fine folks there at Darling Downs

    It is not as grand for elephants here in America as it may seem, Kelly. As an example in 1984 on Ringling Bros. two unit's there were were 45 elephants. Today on their 3 units there are less then 20. In 1975 I went to a show to pick up 3 baby elephants and they had 51 elephants all standing in a line. That same show today has about 11 on the road. The Texas Shrine circus used to have 22-23 elephants in the show. This year they had 6. This year an elephant act stopped to visit Kelly Miller circus and with his 3 and Kelly Millers 3 there were 6 on the show, and it caused great excitement as it was "historic" to have that many elephants on the same show. I used to haul 8 elephants my self to shows.
    No Kelly, it is bad, bad, bad all over the world and bright, conscientious, caring, young people, generational or not, like you are going to be the circus's greatest asset for the future.
    Good luck to you, and we will look forward to hearing from you.
    Your friend,
    Wade Burck

  5. Wade - this girl is on the right track.

    If you google "circus" or "performing animals" all you will get is links to the animal righteous propaganda.

    But, if a kid in school is given a project to find out about circuses, their main research tool is the internet. So they google the subject and come up with all the anti rubbish. There is NO balancing information out there.

    Go Kelly - get it out there pronto!

  6. Hey Wade. Why don't you move this topic up a bit? I nearly missed it. This is important to our industry.

  7. Anonymous,
    I would love to move it up, but I don't know how until Casey teaches me how. I am limited to linking a picture and posting it.
