Monday, October 4, 2010

DHRotterdam Zoo--New Giraffe House

Floor Plan above, Roland Butler Architect speak from Lam Architects:

The floor plan is without corners, to provide a relaxed and natural behaviour of the animals. In this way, they are not able clamp each other at a corner, the animals can always turn their back on a approaching conflict an run away. The ‘bulging’ of the facade gives the animals more freedom. The giraffes will never experience the physical limits of the building, for the building bends away from them.

Sustainable Section below, Roland Butler Architect speak from Lam Architects:

For natural light and heat so-called passive solar energy is uses. The roof is transparent and the height of the walls is determined for the best solar potential. Inside but also outside, because even on a beautiful sunny autumn or winter day, the animals are able to stand at the north side outside the building and in the sun. On cold and cloudy days is usually sufficient only to heat the animals instead of the whole 4500m3 residence. This is possible because the giraffes can find the necessary warmth at so called “cuddle-walls”. The heat that is required for these “cuddle-walls” are wood chips burned instead of fossil fuels.

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