Monday, October 18, 2010

Casa Canestrelli--Circus Restaurant Sarasota Fla.

Has anybody ever heard of this restaurant, or know anything about it, or was it an idea that either never got off the ground, or closed shortly after opening?


Bill Hall said...

Casa Canistrelli was a restaurant actuality in east Sarasota, off Fruitville Rd., as we were there in the 1950s. Proprietors Ottavio Canestrelli & his wife, "Momma," had family members perform circus acts in what may have been forerunner to latter-day dinner theaters. Site was sold & then became a Chinese restaurant. Aurelia Canistrelli Nock can provide more details. -- Bill Hall

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you for the information. Is there a structure still standing that used to be the restaurant?
I hope all is well, and my best wishes.

Mike Naughton said...

The structure was torn down and in its place is a gas station and a MRI center. It was on the corner of Fruitville and just south of Tuttle, one of the original Canestrelli houses is still standing across the street.
The La Tosca trailer court is gone and in its place is the Ringling Professional Building, just west of the gas station. The professional complex borders the parking lot of the Sarasota County Fair/Robarts Arena.

Mireille. said...

many many moons a go ...
indeed it was there...
we went ther many time. it was very nice and the food was great Italian stile, also the show was cute and charming...

Wade G. Burck said...

From Chic Silber:

Hi Wade

Freddy Canestrelli & his famly opened the restaurant at the corner

of Tuttle & Ringling (which was also a corner of Tosca's trailer park)

probably in the late 70s & it did fairly well with very good food but

it did not last very long (I think that was shortly after his boys were

on RB doing a "Superman" leaping routine & maybe trampoline)

Tosca Cristiani sold her park (whch the city wanted gone) & is now

an office park (where Royal Palace had it's office) & the building

that was the restaurant has been several things & is now some

imaging center (maybe medical) Carin would probably remember
