Friday, July 2, 2010

Philippe Karl Piaffe-Levade-Piaffe

Small world indeed!!!! I am sitting here this morning enjoying my coffee and reading Philippe Karl's wonderful book, LONG REINING--THE SAUMUR METHOD when the above video link came in from Madame Col. Dianne Olds Rossi . Mr. Karl does all training on long reins leading up to the ultimate mounted movement. Unfortunately, I fear I am too old to ever get to Mr. Karl's level, even with his remarkable instruction. I should have started about 40 years ago. For anyone who want's to completely understand horse movement/mechanic's LONG REINING--THE SAUMUR METHOD is highly recommended.


Othmar Vohringer said...

"Mr. Karl does all training on long reins leading up to the ultimate mounted movement."

All haute ecole training starts on the long rains, not as often seen today, in the saddle. I thought you knew that.


Wade G. Burck said...

Of course, I know that, practice it as well as advocate it!!! What in the world is your point?

Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Any way you can do it well, is the way it's done. There is the final goal and there is not only one way to get there. We are all designed differently.

Wade G. Burck said...

You are correct, as you normally are when it involves "horse." I teach as much as I can on the ground in long lines before I get on a horse. It saves any misunderstandings and arguments once I am on their back. I will get off, and go back to the lines at the first sign of a come apart though. LOL As for folks being different, I had a gent from Canada watch me teaching a horse to sidepass in lines, tell me that I was going to "ruin him for ever being able to do it on his back!!!!" The fellow didn't think the horse was smart enough to associate my leg on his back with the whip on the ground. But he was a "horse whisper" type and gagged when he saw the whip.