Friday, July 2, 2010

Dianne Olds Rossi's Christmas suggestion for her friends!!!!!


Dianne Olds Rossi said...

That's what I'm talking about!

Anonymous said...

I understand that this revolutionary Plastic saddle was made for a guy named Roy Ruger and ended up AS A Roy Rogers saddle. Seems like an old High School horse enthusiast, Ed Piller of Scotland, South Dakota told me that and in fact seems that he at one time owned the saddle. He owned two great High Scjhool horses, namely, King Of Diamonds and Mickey Mouse, Both traimed by Austim Smith of Centerville, Iowa, a great old horse trainer. Kandra Craig of the Gil Gray Circus would purchase King and show him on the circus trail for a few years. A beautiful Palomina stallion. Friend Ed was the Ford dealer in Scotland. Maybe Diane thru Rex would have more info.

Wade G. Burck said...

Great information, thank you. I growing up in North Dakota, have heard of Ed Piller. That the saddle was made for someone else with the initials RR was news to me. I was thinking the tapaderos were big enough that you could change one R to a D and add an O and make it DOR. What do you think, Madame Col.? LOL

tanglefoot said...

I tried to initial my comment, but the blog would not accept it. hence the Annon, but it is from yours truly, john herriott. Austin also trained a palomino mare, named Queen of hearts and he worked the two palominos in a tandem long line routine. He trained the Piaffer by holding the oat bucket at feeding time, shaking it and whistlking, "Turkey In The Straw" How about that? I knew him well during the time my Dad trained horses in Centerville.

Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Works for me. I watched this saddle go across the TV screen many Saturday mornings.

Wade G. Burck said...

Col. John Milton Tanglefoot Herriott,
How are you doing, friend. I should have known it was you with all the "information." I had planned on getting to showfolks last night and "toasting" the 4th and cutting up priceless jackpots, but got tied up at the farm until late. I'll try anything on your endorsement, but if I get kicked in the mouth this afternoon, whistling "Turkey in the Straw" while shaking a bucket of feed, are you going to accept responsibility? LOL Like Madame Col. say's, "there are different methods for different folks, and if it works, keep doing it."
I hope your heath is good, and give my best to Mary Ruth.