Monday, May 31, 2010

This is great PR for the circus. They don't fool around in North Dakota, the Rough Rider State!!!!!

Circus banned from performing in North Dakota

A circus promoter has been banned for doing business in North Dakota.

Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem issued a cease-and-desist order against American United Entertainment LLC, also known as Great American Circus of the Stars of Gainesville, Texas.

A news release from Stenehjem’s office says the promoter failed to share a percentage of ticket sales with the cities of Park River and Grafton from last summer’s show.

The release says in one instance, the circus left town in the middle of night without paying.

A phone listing could not be found for American United Entertainment LLC, which is not related to California-based American United Entertainment


North Dakota Attorney Gen. Bans Circus

Today Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem issued a cease and desist order banning American United Entertainment LLC, of Gainesville, Texas, from operating in the state of North Dakota.

American United Entertainment, LLC, also known as Great American Circus of the Stars, promotes or conducts entertainment including circus performances. It held circus performances in Park River and Grafton in June and July 2009. The entity promised to share a percentage of the ticket sales with the communities but failed to do so.

"It`s extremely disappointing that after Park River and Grafton welcomed the circus and its performers to their communities with typical North Dakota hospitality, the circus took advantage of this trust and stiffed them," said Stenehjem. "In one instance, the circus slipped out of town in the middle of the night without paying the agreed ticket proceeds."

Stenehjem requested the Consumer Protection Division to conduct an investigation. He noted the division made repeated contacts with the entities and principals, Jessica Jani, and Carol King, also known as Judy J. Kaye and Carrell J. Kaye, as well as their agents, in an effort to obtain the payment of promised proceeds and resolve the matter without legal action. The cease and desist order bars the entities and principals from doing business in this state.

According to Parrell Grossman, director of the Attorney General`s Consumer Protection Division, all entities were uncooperative in resolving the complaint. "We provided every opportunity for these entities or their representatives to suggest that the nonpayment was a mistake or unintentional by resolving the matter and they failed to do so," said Grossman.

Stenehjem recognized the conduct of these entities might dictate the need for caution by communities engaging transient outfits.

"Our communities may have to consider taking steps to guarantee payment by requiring similar entities to make advance deposits or ensure the payment due by some other method. Nonetheless, we will hold such entities accountable for their agreements," said Stenehjem.

According to Stenehjem, American United Entertainment, LLC, should not be confused with a different company, American United Entertainment in California, which is not the subject of any complaints with the Attorney General`s Office.

Courtesy of John Goodall

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