Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Yesterday I and Guapo lead a division of brave men into the Lake Wood Ranch Shopping Plaza, where we pilliaged and plundered, burning everything to the ground. The only structure left standing was Big Olaf's Creamery and Ice Cream Shoppe which was salvaged as my command center.


Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Long way from your spangles and beads.Horse looks good though

Wade G. Burck said...

He had never seen a marching band until this day. When they started warming up, his eyes bugged and he spun in a circle about a half dozen times. I finally got him to approach them, most of the time on his hind legs. Poor guy was so wound up, his nose started to bleed.

Vincent said...


Is this horse a Friesian?
Its amazing that horse's like human's can be so resiliant yet at times so fragile. Is a nose bleed a sign of stress that is not uncommon in horse's?

Great strategy in taking the Big Olafs store as a command center. Who can resist the smell of waffle cones fresh off the griddle. I've been know to take over a Krispy Kreme Donut shop or a Marie Callender Pie Shop to use as a center of operations.

Vincent/San Diego