Friday, March 12, 2010

Hysterical video which could have been the inspiration for the words, "as funny as a monkey fu**ing a football."

Courtesy of Simon De Winter

As funny as this video is, very insightful is the comment Simon sent with it. He has gained a lot of knowledge just by observing:

"It was shot at the Zoo of Antwerp. It was a feast for Gaia the national animal rights movement.
I just think the staff is way unprofessional, ok the lady got hurt but they look like a bunch of morons to me :P
I believe working with animals is a privilege in the first place and requires responsability and a proper base of knowledge.
But too often I have to conclude the biggest morons get to work with wild animals...
What do you think?"

You can wipe your ass with every PH.d and every doctorate tagged on your name, when it come's time to defend somebody or yourself getting mauled by an animal larger then you. Two things of major interest in this video is Hans(Belgiums equivalent of Radar Easley) who rushes in at the distress call of "Hans, Hans", gives the Reindeer, and the keeper's kneecap a couple of clouts with the shovel , then put's his hand in his pocket to adjust his schwanze, and ponder "WTF." LOL The very best was the female keeper, who let her "female" side really shine. She yell's for help, then when Han's half subdues the beast, comes unglued and tries to break it's nose with a piece of rebar or something. Poor Han's turns it loose, as he is afraid she is going to have a "come apart" on his nose to, while she is at it. When the head keeper finally comes, and attempts to "bull dog" it down like a European Bill Pickett, she grab's Han's shovel, and tries to break it's back. LOL No, she did not hurt it, but like in so many case's, it made her feel better. LOL Hell truely has no fury like a women scorned or "downed and browned." Yes Simon, as you observed, the animal field has it's share of morons. But you should have seen the animal field 30 years ago, before a lot of the morons were regulated out.


Anonymous said...

Why do i have the feeling that this reaminds me of somthing that was said on this blog sometime ago, about chimp trainers who say that their chimps will never explode when they grow-up because they love their animals, and the animals love them back. I am guessing that it was mating season for the reindeer when this was being taped?

Anonymous said...

have this people ever heard of a little piece string alias name rope and damm there is a tree right in front of them . lets see rope and tree ? nahh better get the shit can just in case it craps always be ready with shovel and shit can the hell with the poor schmuck wresting the beast. Cleanraul

Othmar Vohringer said...

Morons CANNOT be regulated out. All it does is make live unnecessary difficult for the professionals that are, courtesy of stupid people and over eager politicians, are over regulated.

Wade G. Burck said...

You are half right, and half wrong. Yes, morons can be regulated out. We have seen that repeatedly. But some have been missed. We have also seen that repeatedly. But I am confident a few more will be weeded out, which should give the industry a breath of fresh air, and a new, and brighter future.

Steve said...

I wouldn't want the fella in the blue pants on my gate!!!