Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee Announces Search for New CEO


After 15 years of service the Sanctuary celebrates the contributions of
Co-founder and Former CEO Carol Buckley

Hohenwald, Tenn. – (March, 17, 2010) – The board of directors of The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee announced today it is beginning an international search for a CEO of the organization, as co-founder and former Executive Director and CEO Carol Buckley is leaving the Sanctuary.

“The pioneering work done by Carol Buckley in co-founding The Elephant Sanctuary with Scott Blais and the two of them nurturing it over the past 15 years are sincerely appreciated by all who care about the work of protecting elephants,” said William Schaffner, M.D., president of the organization.

“We thank Carol for her work and wish her the best in future endeavors. We are pleased that the Sanctuary’s caregiving staff under the direction of co-founder Scott Blais is carrying on as it has since November, while Ms. Buckley was on a leave of absence. We are proud of the caregivers’ work and dedication, which will be key during the Sanctuary’s new growth,” Dr. Schaffner added.

Dr. Schaffner said the search for a CEO will begin immediately, and the organization will continue to be led by Acting CEO Mary Baker, a strategic consultant with more than 20 years experience consulting with not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. Ms. Baker, who has led the Sanctuary successfully since December, will continue to oversee the organization’s programs and assist in the CEO search and transition.

The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee ( is a not-for-profit founded in 1995, and is the nation’s largest natural habitat refuge developed specifically for endangered Asian and African elephants. It operates on 2,700 acres in Hohenwald, Tennessee, about 85 miles southwest of Nashville with a staff of 25.

The Sanctuary is known around the world for its primary mission of providing a haven for old, sick or needy elephants in a setting of green pastures, dense forests, spring-fed ponds and heated barns for cold winter nights. Equally important is the educational component of the Sanctuary’s mission, to provide education about the crisis facing these intelligent, endangered creatures.

Dr. Schaffner said a new CEO would be responsible for overseeing the entire organization, including second phase development of the sanctuary’s education gallery currently in construction. As he has since the Sanctuary’s inception, co-founder Scott Blais will continue to provide leadership for the elephant caregiving staff and management of facility operations, including supervision and expansion of the outstanding work done by the elephant caregivers at the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary has received and will continue to welcome inquiries from those who wish to place elephants in the Sanctuary’s care.

“Our future is very bright. We are absolutely dedicated to protecting and providing a peaceful sanctuary to elephants in need,” Dr. Schaffner said.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone have more any information?

Anonymous said...

Carol has a new website

It says:
After fifteen years of elephant rescue and successfully building the facilities to restore twenty-four elephants to family and life in a natural habitat, Carol is taking her extensive knowledge and expertise to a wider stage. The need is great, both nationally and internationally, to continue the work of educating people about elephants.

Catalyst for Change

Combining her wealth of experience observing elephant behavior, designing management systems that enable caregivers to ensure that elephants receive the best care possible under humane conditions, and her keen insight into meeting the needs of elephants confined in captivity, Carol's collaboration with veterinarians, field researchers and behaviorists is a formidable catalyst for change.

Ryan Easley said...

"As an accountant, I always look at the money. On their last published financial statement 2007 (courtesy of charity navigator) Carol's salary was $27,000.That's a little over $500 a week before taxes. I understand that her housing was provided but with the hours she worked, she probably did not make minimum wage. I don't see anyone that does not see this job as a labor of love like she did accepting that salary even with housing. I worry about her financially and also what kind of person her replacement will be. I work for a non-profit and the CEO is considered modestly paid and he still makes 6 figures. It was her savings and elephant (right or wrong but Tarra was valuable property) that started the sanctuary. Is she even going to receive future royalties from the children's books she has written. I wonder if her refusal to sell out to Disney and the others making offers might have been a problem to her with the board. If she has been on leave since November, was something to do with Babe a part of it too. I have a feeling Babe will never get there. She is getting wonderful care where she is so I don't worry so much for her. If the USDA knew Carol was not going to be there, that might have been the reason for all of the placements at zoo of confiscated elephants. I truley hope that this was Carol's decision but it just doesn't seem that way from the way the announcement was worded."

Wade, this is just one comment of many on an animal rights blog discussing Buckley's leaving TES. As far as I can tell, this person is making the same arguments for circus folk in many instances. A labor of love for that kind of salary, elephants are valuable property (though owners of such that have been confiscated were not given any type of reimburstment, single elephants can receive top care and not need to be sent elsewhere on the basis of companionship alone, profiting from the ownership of animals is a right (book royalties), the USDA playing favorites with a person rather than an institution or idea, and so.
One person even quotes, "In any case, I won't contribute another cent to the Sanctuary until she is back." In other words, 'Who cares about the elephants, my money is going to her.' ?????

Very interesting situation here...

Anonymous said...

I think Radar here is reading way too much into the comments, particularly the ones about not donating if she isn't there. People just want to make sure that the sanctuary is the same place that it was with Carol Buckley - and are obviously worried that if she's gone, the philosophy of the place will change. Her vision won't be there, and that's the issue with giving them money. Nothing to do with her personally, but everything to do with retaining her vision.

As for the rest of his points - well - good to see that he's using his imagination while reading. These have nothing to do with the "circus folk" arguments.

Ryan Easley said...

Of course it was a stretch. That was the point. However, they are the same arguments used by those who have animals and make a living by owning them.
But they are valid points with "valuable propert" and a "labor of love accepting that salary."
Regarding the worry that the vision may change, will TES begin using bullhooks? Selling animals? Space removed that they had previously? Or put on display to the public? What would warrant that the animals no longer warrant the money to care for them, other than the front person leaving?

Anonymous said...

Carol's side of the story.

Wade G. Burck said...

It was inevitable. Every Jackel pack goes into "pissing mode/I'll eat you, before you eat me" now and again. Radicals snapping at radicals!!!! That's gotta be a hoot.

B.E.Trumble said...

This is a pretty familiar story. Founder forced out by hand picked board. There's always a lot more to the story, even if nobody is talking. The fact that Scott is staying says something -- the beef was specifically with Carol. Since TES operated rather as a cult of personality centering around Carol, likely she could have rallied the troops and donors if it was a vision issue, either by a less idealistic board, or a more fanatic board. Clearly the parting was not on the best off terms. No farewell tour, no gold plated hotshot. And since CB says she was forced out because employees and the board were intimidated by her management style, it's not much of a stretch to suggest that an "incident" of some kind led to all this, whether it was a screaming match, a pending legal problem,or a drunken evening of playing Mary Chipperfield, or poor accounting of petty cash who knows? The real question is, does TES have anybody there genuinely fit to manage that herd? Likely it will be awhile before any more elephants go to TN. The point is that few endeavors built around a cult of personality endure in the long run when the guiding light is gone.

Wade G. Burck said...

Excellent points. That is exactly how I digested the information. The fact that Scott was staying, made it all the more suspect. Having dealt closer with TES then most folk's will ever hope to, in their worst nightmare, I came to realize Ms. Buckleys power/influence during the "Sue" incident when any decision made by TES was first relayed to Carol, for either a yea or a nay. A number of times, the "delay" while Carol was contacted for input, caused some "heated" exchanges between Scott and I. My decisions had to be immediate, and the consequences mine, and it was difficult to have to wait while other folks looked for a scape goat or someone to push blame to it something went south. I will say the whole TES staff, from Scott(whom I ended up liking and respecting very much, after 2 weeks in "trenches" that John Herriott can only guess at), was very "intimidated" by Carol, and seemed afraid to even take a deep breath without her approval.

Anonymous said...

I have long followed and supported that charity. When an organization makes decisions based on in-fighting, personality disputes, and perhaps money-dangling from outside influences (as suggested by another post) --- how can supporters continue to give to that charity? I can't. An organization run like that is no longer trustworthy and sound. And the elephants will suffer. Such a great charity - all run to the ground by petty bickering.

Kate Taylor said...

Looks like the story is that Carol and Scott were beginning to have irreconcilable differences. On the TES website Carol posted the below on Nov 6th, 2009 giving notice that Scott Blais will be leaving TES.

However, on her website:; Carol writes that on Nov 21, 2009 she was put on an involuntary leave of absence.

As of May 2010, Scott is still at TES and now Carol is gone. From my reading, looks like the staff and board rallied around Scott. When I first heard the news that Carol had been forced out, I too wondered if I should continue to donate. Now that I am surmising that it was irreconcilable differences between the two founders, and the staff and board chose the founder that is not “intimidating,” I will continue to donate to The Elephant Sanctuary and wish them and Carol all the best in their next phase.
Kate Taylor

Relevant web postings:
Sanctuary Transition
Dear friends and colleagues:

I wanted to write and tell you that after many years of dedicated service, Scott Blais will be leaving his position as Sanctuary COO on November 30. He will continue to serve the organization in a project-based position for several more months as he continues to oversee several key operational projects currently underway.

In Scott’s words:
“Helping The Elephant Sanctuary grow out of a dream has been an unequivocal and unparalleled gift, filled with countless lessons about life and living, infinite joys and enduring a few hardships. All of those are surpassed by one thing, the blessing of watching captive elephants flourish, observing their bliss and undeniable happiness. A place of freedom has been created not only allowing elephants to discover who they really are, but opening a window for people to see for the first time in captivity what it is to be an elephant. A pathway has been paved for others to follow. It is now time to move ahead on my journey, enabling others to continue the work that has been started.”

Scott and I have worked closely together to bring world-wide visibility to the plight of elephants in captivity and helped to raise global awareness around the humane treatment of elephants.

The leadership transition will have no direct impact on animal care. The most significant changes will be internal operational changes and a re-appropriation of duties among current staff.

The Board and Staff of the Elephant Sanctuary will always honor Scott’s leading role in establishing and growing our organization. If you have further questions about this transition do not hesitate to contact me or Kate Elliott (

Most sincerely,

Carol Buckley

Breaking the silence
On November 21, 2009 I was placed on an involuntary leave of absence. I was told by the Board that some staff had complained that they felt intimidated by my management style. I was instructed not to speak to staff, media or you, the donors. I voiced my concern about the donors not being told of my status as it was the end-of-year giving time. I did not want to be party to the donors being misled. My concerns fell on deaf ears. I hired an attorney because the Board would not communicate directly with me.
On January 19, 2010, I was removed as CEO, President, and Board member. Carol Buckley

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate that many people are quick to blame Carol for everything. It was her dream, and her elephant Tarra, and her words, and her talent for attracting supporters that made the sanctuary (and the jobs created) what it is today. No one else can take credit for that. And it is just too bad if some people can't understand that the legal responsibility on her shoulders, as CEO, for a safe and smoothly run organization might interfere with her spending time kissing up to each and every employee she might encounter in the course of each day's all written accounts, seemingly starting around 5 a.m. and ending after midnight!! It is also shameful and unfortunate, that her co-founder didn't have the fortitude to stand by her against any and all accusations!!!

Wade G. Burck said...

I agree with you 110%. The whole deal, regardless of what I think personally of Ms. Buckley stinks. It is often times lonely at the top, with the Jackels ganging up, and nipping at your heels.