Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wade, Good thing you retired from the tiger business. Now I have no competition for the hoards of girls longing to see tiger cubs!

Courtesy of Buddhist Monk Ryan Easley from the Church of Chubby


Anonymous said...

So what's the story behind these pix?
where do these beutiful girls go when they become too old and ugly to pose for pix any more? Who'll take them in? Will they then be used for breeding? Or will they just add to the national problems of bag-ladies?

Anonymous said...

I don't care who you are, that's cute and I'd treat either one of them like a member of the family. Not much into tigers, but that boy's ok too.

Dominick said...

Don't forget about me radar, the competition has not yet ceased lol.

Anonymous said...

What boy? That's the arm of a dyke sitting on the other side.