Friday, February 12, 2010

Vintage GGW


Vincent said...


I fell in love with the the circus watching GGW, that aside.....THE GUY HAD THE BEST COSTUMES I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!! I often wonder what became of these amazing costumes.

I saw the upper portion of one of Wolfgangs leather gladiator costumes for sale on ebay a few years back.


When a season was over what did you do with your costume's? How many would you go thru during a season or year. How do you clean the darn things? How about posting a couple of pictures of you in some of your favorites and giving us background on them...cost, designer, origin etc....

The one your wearing in the picture with old dicky nixon has my vote for the best.

Vincent/San Diego

Wade G. Burck said...

Are you sure it was Wolfgangs, or one of the many "knock offs" that were worn by someone else. That would have been something to own, for sure.
I had two costumes a year, and they were sent out for dry cleaning, as it was the only way to keep the sequins shiny as long as possible. In the case of the Ringling costumes, because they were owned by Hawthorn, they were "refitted," and the style's changed for presenters who followed me. I do have the top, cuffs, and belt from the blue one you mention. The eagle was patterned after Roy Rogers "flying eagle" design on his boots. It and the black one were my favorite. The black one had goofy zebra striped stars added years later. I also had a peach one with gold lame trim that was beautiful. Joann Wilson built the first costumes, that were designed by Don Foote, and the second tour costumes were built by Mirille Arnosi. The cost I don't know, as Don Foote was going to build them, but Hawthorn felt the cost was to high. I "was told" that in order for Ringling to authorize someone other then Don Foote to built them, they had to be at least 1500.00 a piece. But who know's? Maybe Joann or Mirille can clear up the mystery of what they cost.
I have the white "elvis" fringed costume that I had made for Evanville, because I bought it. The jacket cost 850.00 and the boots cost 750.00

Vincent said...


I can't be certain the Wolfgang costume for sale on ebay was authentic,(you know how that goes on ebay) but it appeared to be, it was the upper portion of a costume he wore in the early 70's with ringling.

Most photos from that time period show him in the black gladiator costume. This was actually the white version with blue trim. One of the programs show him in this costume with his male lion. It was in very very poor shape, worn out, it was obvious it hadnt been cared for or properly stored.

You mentioned that Hawthorn owned the costumes, your 1st go round with RBBB, so were you employed by Hawthorn, and the act was leased to RBBB, is that right?

When you joined RBBB the 2nd time were you still with hawthorn or were you hired by Ringling and contracted directly with them. Also how did the offer to work GWW tigers come about? Were other trainers considered?

No one could ever fill his shoes but it must have been a blast to work with his animals and wear the boots for awhile.

I've seen your blue eagle costume and the red one, if you have any pics of your peach or black , please post


Vincent/San Diego

Wade G. Burck said...

Yes, the first tour I was contracted to Hawthorn, sub contracted to Ringling. The second tour with GGW's tigers I was contracted to Ringling. I don't know who else was offered the position of presenting GGW's act upon his retirement. I was offered it, and had to regretfully decline as I had accepted a position in Canada at a zoo. There was another trainer hired from Europe, but after a few months, he did not work out. Again much speculation on the reason "why". I was again offered the position, and as my work in Canada was finished, I was able to accept it. Vincent, it was much more then a blast. It was one of the most prideful moment's of my life to be able to add to and present some of Boss's tigers. What a story!!!!! What a journey!!!!! I had seen GGW and my first circus in 1973. It changed the course of my life forever. Then to be given the opportunity to present the tigers of my inspiration. It doesn't get any better then that, young man. Trust me.

Vincent said...


I always say "everyday is an adventure".

If after that show in 1973 some person told you...."one day you'll work at a marine animal park and not only will you have Tigers but some will be white with names like Frosty and Tony..." you would have thought they were nuts!!!

I had never seen a white tiger in 1973 the first I saw was the one GGW had.

If Gunther had been told "there's a kid here today and one day he'll replace you in the act..." I can imagine his reply would have been.....Sure...Sure!!

Weren't you in North Dakota???

Thanks for the replys

Vincent/San Diego