Monday, February 22, 2010

Long reins--Dianne Olds Rossi



The best of the best. Marvelous confirmation Great routine. Just wonderful. Dana should have never let that get away. A horse trainers delight. Thanks. jOHNNY

Wade G. Burck said...

Get away!!!!! What makes you think, Dana could ever afford this type of talent, let alone keep it. Have you ever met her, Tanglefoot. I seem to remember you screaming bloody murder about her being an amateur a short year ago. Or was that somebody else you were whacking one. No, that's right, it was Madame Col. It get's hard to tell sometimes. I hope you are well, Col. Herriott. When are you going to have time to help me with the jughead Fresian I have? Madame Col. can have the hardheaded cow's!!!!

Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Welcome to a trainer's first response to training a Friesian horse. Did you forget Wade that they are a carriage horse, bred for hundreds of years to pull a plow and later through careful selection a very fancy carriage horse. It's only been in the last 5 years that the breeders have been developing a riding horse, guess what, you don't have one of those. LOL. Every time I train one I say "it's the last one, no more" but I have made a few more since Chewy. One coming up now is sensational and will send some photos soon, a long line horse to boot. Very hard to get a 16 hand Friesian to cantor slow enough for me to walk but I have it. The first few days brought back all the "last Friesian" thoughts but I seem to have a short memory when I see one of the fanciest Friesians ever dancing ahead of me.

Dana never had enough money only promises that were never kept and a show that never went further than the first success story. That success story for her were my horses. When promises were retracted, my horses and I departed "stage left" to greener pastures.

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.
Slow canter!!!! No matter what the speed, compared to a catty Arabian, it is like riding in a car with flat tires.

john herriott said...

I wrote an elaborate comment and it just went blank, so will try again. Sorry but it stills blanks out. Wade, don't try to stir up crap. i HAVE GREAT admiration for Diane both had our ow thoughts on some stuff. I believe this to be the best I have seen, including Ostermair Spainish school in overall routine, fine confirmation and presentation. I rest my case. I trained the six young Freisians for Carona and iked them

equidancer said...

Yes compared to an Arabian they are a bit heavy but once you have them made they are a big rocking horse. You just have to get there first to enjoy the miracle. If I remember right I offered you a ride on the Chewy Man in Wisconsin and then you would have also experienced the joy. However, even though invited I wouldn't have walked into your cage of tigers either. LOL