Monday, January 4, 2010

Number Nine Javan Rhino--Top 10 most endangered species in the world


Richard Reynolds said...

I believe this is an Indian rhino. The Javan is similar looking but lacks the "rivet head" nodules on the skin. Also the Javan has a distinctive saddle fold atop the nape of the neck.

It would be hard to get an "out in the open" photo of a Javan like this picture.

There had never been a Javan rhino in America.

London zoo had one from 1874 to 1885. Another was in the Calcutta zoo in 1877 and Adelaide, Australia zoo had one from 1886 to 1907. [It was exhibited the entire time as an Indian - -only after it died was the correct ID made.]

Carl Hagenbeck got one around 1880 whch he sent to the Cologne zoo.

The finest looking captive example was a male that seems to have been at Madras zoo around 1905. It was photograhed but the pictures (two of them) are unidentified as to either location or date.

Rob said...

That's exactly what I thought.That
this is an Indian rhino.

Wade G. Burck said...

Richard and Rob,
Thank you for the correction. One of you should contact Telegraph.UK Here is the link the picture and description was taken from.
