Friday, December 4, 2009

Email from Paul Murphy and the Bartlett Society for International Zoo News booklets for anyone interested in them.

Dear All

A change of style to these monthly updates.

The zoohistory website is not just me (Paul Murphy) but the result of the input of many Bartlett Society members. So it seems more fitting that updates should be sent from a shared mail account rather than my personal mailbox.

I have also added a few extra names to the circulation list. All those listed are Society members, friends of Society members and or selected Contacts we have work with on projects. If anyone wishes to be removed from this circulation list then please say so and we will action before the next update.

A few information requests this edition. A couple concerning Knaresborough Zoo. We now suspect that Simba (a very large now stuffed lion) is on show at a second hand shop in Cardiff but does anyone know the shop name. The second request is from Olive Mattison who asks "Does anyone know the whereabouts of Mrs. Barbara Nyota, widow of Nicky, from the Knaresborough zoo, North Yorkshire? Barbara and I were friends during our childhood". Nicky was Simba's owner.

Whilst we are asking about names. There are four leading private breeders that keep getting mentioned but no-one seems to have met them recently. Does anyone know if Jim Collins, Chris Henwood, John Burnett and or Pat Mansard are well ?

Away from people Richard Muirhead wants to know if any UK zoos have ever had albino or melanistic foxes of any species in their collections ?

Next an offer from the editor Nick Gould. He has offered Bartlett Society members and anyone else reading this email any back copies of the International Zoo News booklets. There are many spares for the recent decade taking up valuable space in his library. He will ship them at the cost of postage.

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