Thursday, October 15, 2009

Unknown Presenters

This has got to be a Russian act, and either these props are copies of the originals, or they are over 50 years old. The same pattern/same props can be seen in Russian circus acts back in 1954.


Rob said...

These are the Bogdasarovs.

Henry Penndorf said...

The trainers are Russian. They are Artur and Karina Bagdasarov, a brother and sister team that presents a ten tiger act know as the "Tiger Show". Artur and Karina have won several awards for their act.

Artur and Karina are the son and daughter of famed Russian wild animal trainer Mikhail Bagdasarov. For his work with and presentation of his animals, Mikhail has earned the title of "Peoples Artist of Russia".

The Bagdasarovs have have a their own webs page at I think you will enjoy it, There are some great photos of Artur, Karina, and their tigers.

On what web site did you find the pictures you posted of the Bagdasarovs?


Wade G. Burck said...

I got to be honest. I have seen pictures of her, which looked much, much better then what she looks here. I didn't recognize her in fact. I got these off of an Italian site. I don't knew where they got them. Maybe they fell off of a truck......... LOL