Tuesday, October 6, 2009

For Amy--Not for nothing, but do you realize how big a Minke whale is, let alone a Humpback??

Minki Whale

That's a pretty big whale!
Polar Bears are huge on their own and it dwarfs them completely in this picture.

I think we would be safe in assuming that the Polar Bears in yesterday's post, "found", "stumbled upon" a dead whale, and did not actually hunt and kill it.


Amy Shmamy said...

I have always realized how large certain species of whales can be, but seeing 4 grown polar bears standing on one really puts it into perspective.
P.S. The would have to be one organized hunting party of polar bears to have taken the whale down on their own!

Wade G. Burck said...

One their best day, a Polar Bear could not organize a hunting party to take down a whale, unless the whale had already beached itself in distress. Besides, sea lion and campers cache are much easier and that is the point of being a predator. It is not a "macho deal" LOL. Once a whale dove to it's "environment" there is not a bear in the world could pursue.

Amy Shmamy said...

LOL Wade. My smart aleck comment about "organized" didn't come off correctly. As in organized I was thinking of them with harpoons and canoes and maybe a couple of rifles. Basically the Makah tribe hunts, but with polar bears.

Wade G. Burck said...

As in Turks with eagle's or Bedouins with falcon's? It still isn't coming out right. If you meant a bear being armed, haven't you seen the Pepsi commercial's? They can't get past a cold soda.

Amy Shmamy said...

How forgetful of me! I didn't realize their claws can't pull a trigger just yet. Panda's on the other hand, are quite more evolved. Proof below.
