Friday, September 11, 2009

Animal rights protesters in Chicago continued.

Note the young 8 year old boy walking in a circle with a chain around his leg, while his "loving" mother Pusgut(I told you you could physically identify them, a mile away) chats on her cell phone. I would like to ask the Anonymous buffoon to use his comic book intelligence of giving human emotions to a dog to reverse(that means change direction, dimwit) his thinking and give his dogs emotions to this child.

"if you really can't see the difference, for a dog(change to child), between life as part of a Coney Island sideshow and life as a pet in someone's home, then your views aren't even worth considering." Putz, let me ask you this also, "do you know the difference between "acceptance" and "comfort"? do you even care about the childs "enjoyment"?

Activists as they have proven are the most special people in the world. It may be hard to describe abuse, but you know it when you see it, animal or child.

Courtesy of Ryan Easley

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