Monday, August 24, 2009

Two sides of an issue. Who is right, and who is wrong? Know all the facts, as it is about the animal, and only the animal.

According to eyewitness reports, the accident happened when one elephant "head-butted" another elephant and pushed her into the scaffolding, which collapsed and threw the people standing on it to the ground. IDA has positively identified the handler from video documentation as Will Davenport and his three elephants Tina, Jewel and Queenie/Boo. Davenport tours the country and contracts with circuses for his traveling elephant act.

"This elephant incident was an accident waiting to happen, and the federal agencyelephant that monitors circuses was well aware of the dangers," said Suzanne Roy, program director of In Defense of Animals (IDA), which has been tracking the three elephants for several years. "For two years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture ignored the warning signs and allowed the handler, Will Davenport, to continue to tour with the elephants, even though the agency itself repeatedly documented him to be inexperienced, untrained, and unable to control elephants."

According to IDA, the USDA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service both have open investigations into the handler. The USDA has repeatedly cited the handler for chronic Animal Welfare Act violations, including "abusive" and unsafe elephant handling practices, inadequate training in elephant care and management, failure to provide adequate medical care to elephants, and negligent treatment of the animals.

In March 2007, on an inspection of the elephant act in Colorado, the USDA found that "the handler was not able to demonstrate adequate control of elephant." A month later, the USDA found that the elephant act lacked a handler "with appropriate training and experience traveling with this group....Safe public exhibition and handling cannot take place without a knowledgeable individual or individuals present." A year later, the agency again found public safety transgressions, yet still took no action.

Meanwhile, serious concerns about the elephants' health and well-being continue. One has been severely underweight and all three have a history of being abused, beaten and neglected.

I am writing u for help please!!! help me with this i will be very great full

Felicia Frisco

I posted a blog I'm sure u seen I was wondering if u can forward it to everyone on this site willie davenports elephant's were taking away!!! An paws hauled them in a trailer with no windows or open doors an only 6 three inch holes in 100* weather tell me how can they get away with it when we cant!! It's very important that us circus performer's finally take a stand!!! so please if u can forward this to every one it will make a difference!!!! circus people stand together we help each other out when we need it now I'm writing for help for some one that didn't deserve this !! If u can forward this to everyone that would be great to please help willie I'm asking everyone to please send a written complaint it has to be written to this address 920 Main campus drive suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27606-5213 please its the only way to help willie tell them how can paws get away with no windows on a trailer also call 919-855-7100 also how can Carol Buckley get away with letting a elephant die for days in a pasture an not let vets put it down cause she wanted it to die naturally!! Here's the video of the trailer i will be so great full if u can forward this to every user on here thank you!!!

"Contrary to what folks may think, we do not live in a country, that "swoops" in suddenly to confiscate or seize something unless it is illegal. We are given every opportunity, often years to comply with the laws of our nation. Regardless of whether we agree with the laws or not, they are the laws which all must abide. Folks who jump on one band wagon or the other need to look at the "issue", that being the elephants. Does the above elephant look healthy? The common answer is "I don't know?" If that is the case, we need to educate ourselves before condemning or condoning. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but the trailer that Ms. Frisco has such a problem with is built with an air conditioning/fan system. I am not aware of one in the circus. Further, I think an animal can only die once, as a rule they don't die for days."


john h. said...

Looks like PAWS and USDA have a relationship that sounds unethical and illegal, but I do not hear any protest from liscensed exhibitors. How come?

Wade G. Burck said...

John H.,
I think PAWS may have been the only one's with a truck/trailer that was needed.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Fact is, the first trailer that went to pick the elephant up (see original story on failed attempt at confiscation two days prior) was owned by a licensed exhibitor. A decision was made to rent the "highline" paws trailer instead to haul the elephants, not to PAWS, not to Carol Buckley's, but to another "licensed exhibitor" that will now profit from Willie's loss. Which is more of a concern then who hauled. If anytime a zoo needs elephants, they can fill their exhibit with "poor" circus elephants,for free, we have a real problem.