Monday, August 24, 2009

Indonesia thieves loot tiger body

BBC News

Thieves have killed an endangered Sumatran tiger in an Indonesian zoo and stolen most of its
body, officials say.

Only the intestines of the female tiger were left staff at Taman Rimba Zoo said. Police believe the thieves intended to sell the fur and bones.

The World Wildlife Fund estimates that fewer the 400 Sumatran tigers remain in the wild.

Despite laws against the sale of tiger parts, wildlife groups say they are sold openly in several Sumatran towns.

A 2008 study by British-based wildlife trade monitoring network, Traffic, showed that tiger bones, skins, claws, whiskers, were being sold openly in eight cities on the island.

Traffic says tigers are killed to sell parts for souvenirs, Chinese medicine, and jewelry.

The Sumatran tiger is listed as critically endangered, the highest category of threat.

They are on the brink of extinction because of rapid deforestation, poaching, and conflict with humans.

Courtesy of Chic Silber

"I have always disagreed strongly with the wearing of feline claws/teeth by circus performers strictly from a moral standpoint. In the context of the many stories like the one above, given the general feeling towards trained animals in the circus, and the animal rights issues we deal with daily, beyond the moral issue, is the verification/wrong idea it gives to the people of the world who want to abolish zoo's and the keeping and training of animals in the circus. What might someones "personal choice/actions" do to actually harm an industry? We need to think about our world, and not what is good for us as individuals."


Chic Silber said...

Just to clarify that I only

supplied the BBC article and

NOT the photos nor do I know

whow these folks are

However many show people have

come by some of these teeth

& claws appropriately from

show animals that have died

and I see no problem with

the wearing of such jewelry

(other than it may create a

market for contraband)

Wade G. Burck said...

Not a single person in the public sector know's the "history" of where/how something was obtained. Dead or not, is not the issue. Don't forget "these animals are like children to us."
"If they can have one, why can't I."
"The circus animals are declawed so the people can wear their claws and not get hurt." etc. etc. etc. etc.
Do enough interviews, defend the righteousness of your profession enough times and you will hear everything. We have to be informed about what the "public" thinks, right or wrong, if we are going to understand, what actions of the industry give them those thoughts.
Taken in a legal government/state sanctioned hunt antlers, teeth, skins, claws, horns are acceptable to most folks. But much of the world objects to even that. Help me Chic, convince them that it is all right to mount a deer head, taken legally, as well as take the skin, claws, or teeth from your dead cat or dog, or tiger or lion. Don't forget they are "like children to us", and "members of our family" when we are trying to convince them were deserve to have these animals in captivity, and train them because we respect them.

Anonymous said...

Including antlers in your list of items taken from government/state sanctioned hunts is stupid. To obtain teeth, skin, claws and horns the animal must be dead. Antlers fall off once a year while the animal is alive. You can just walk around the woods and pick them up.
Come on. An animal expert like you should know that.

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, an animal doesn't have to be dead to take it's horns, does it. We all know about polled herefords. The issue is whether it is acceptable to wear any animal parts at all. Oh oh, there goes my leather shoes.

Wade G. Burck said...

Stupid shit anonymous,
The mention of antlers was in the context of some people objecting to shooting a deer and mounting it's head, or any other non endangered government regulated hunting animal. Read it again twit, and then go find a molted or dropped eagle feather, and stick it in your hat and then try to "patch" to the authorities that is was from your great grandfathers eagle, before the Migratory Bird Act or Cities.
Mr. Burck to you, but animal expert is good to.
Mr. Burck

Wade G. Burck said...

Stupid shit anonymous,
You are really fishing aren't you. When polled cattle are an endangered species, like ear clipped Dobermans, or tail bobbed Boston Terriers, and the folks stop loving them like their children and the stop becoming a member of my family it will be addressed by the authorities. Until then horns are a safety issue in penned cattle. Why don't you just be patient and let intelligent folks answer, then you can mimic them later and actually appear like you know something.
Don't throw your shoes away Jethro Bodine, unless they are made from Javan Rhino leather or tiger skin, because they need something to do with the hide of those polled cattle. In that case turn them in, or hide them in a dark, dark, corner of the attic. If they are made out of your dog Spot, it is up to you to convince folks he really was like your child or a member of your family. Let us know how that works out, and how many converts you turn.
Mr. Burck

Chic Silber said...

I don't think folks should have

the priviledge to add comments

without using their name

Anonymous said...

Hell, let 'em comment anonymously so that their stupidity can be thrown back in their faces. And, Wade, oops I mean Mr. Burck, is just the man to handle it.

Still, if you don't have the balls to sign your name, your "opinions" are worthless.

May I suggest video games as a good alternative to being a blog troll?

Jack Ryan said...

Well DUH.

After blasting anonymous comments I did it myself. Thought sure I'd added my name.


Wade G. Burck said...

To you I'm Wade. Were equals.