Thursday, July 16, 2009

For Don--Are you kidding me!!!!! This is one of mine. The difference should be obvious even to an Elephant mutt!!!!

This lady wanted to learn how to lead a "hot gun" halter colt, as she and her daughter plan on showing in the future. As I started to explain that the colt was targeted to my lead hand, and that all that was needed was to raise the hand in the direction you wanted him to go, she said, "Oh I know all about that. I went to a bunch of Parelli clinic's," and off she sent to "show me." Watch as the colt bolts, and wraps the rope around his neck, as she stood there wondering, "now what do I do." Lucky for her Egypt is a very sensible colt, or he would have been gone to the races. LOL


Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful colt, Wade!

jody said...


She forgot the Whisper Part.....and Yes, she was lucky he has such a nice disposition.

Hi Wade,
I'd ask how are things going but it looks like all's going well. Job working with just the breed you wanted. Life is Good....I'm happy for you.

Heath Jared said...

Wow, what a beautiful horse and look at all of that GREEN GRASS!! Very nice!!

Wade G. Burck said...

As the old saying goes: If God made anything more beautiful then an Arabian horse, he kept it for himself. The good ones are breathtaking. My Veterinarian asked me the other day, "is that all you do is lean on the fence and look at them?" I told him, "it may seem that way, because that is what I am doing when you drive up, but how many hours of conditioning, neck sweats, and hard pounding work do you think it takes to get them to this "can't take my eyes off of you" state?" Athletes don't become athletes, bellied up to the bar.

Mireille. said...

Wade Mon Cherie;
You do have a marvels and beautiful Arabian Horse, (Egypt's Lucky Seven)
you did allot of hard work on him ,congratulation,
he is well worded,and you are well rewarded
sincerely Mireille.

cwdancinfool said...

Wade - It's a shame Egypt didn't go to the Parelli clinic or he would have known not to wrap the rope around his neck. I did notice that she did not do anything you told her to do. Why go to someone to learn if you already know everything?

Wade G. Burck said...

Because they don't realize Parelli didn't learn it in a couple of weekend clinics. What he shows them with ease, he spent a life time refining.