Sunday, July 19, 2009

Emiliana Bellucci--High School


Anonymous said...

Pretty uninspired, but the crowd really got into it - not something you see for high school in the US (if there WAS high school in the US)Ring looks small doesn't it?

Wade G. Burck said...

I would think a male rider, with the female dancer's would be a better staging for the act. When applause isn't instantaneous, something isn't being done right.

Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Little horse was really trying despite the rider. Dancers added nothing to the act for me. Same ole, same ole, where are the riders or is circus so poor that they are uninterested.

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.
This horse performed better and more "happy" then Ms. De Rocchi's steed below. My guess is that her daddy or family owns the circus, which is why she is the featured rider. A sure bet is that the horse is trained professionally, and "National Velvet" makes the performance. Family members don't need to make the salary that a pro does. They are born "with it and for it."
Congratulations on a highly successful show this weekend. I am assuming photos are forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

Rider looks very young, don't be too hard on her, we all had to start somewhere....I've seen alot worse

Wade G. Burck said...

Do you have a name, Pal? I don't think anyone was hard on her, we both said the horse performed well. I in fact was harder on the lady in the other tape. That really wasn't much good.

Raffaele De Ritis said...

Emiliana is very young. She is the daughter of Roberto Bellucci, owner of circus Embell Riva. Roberto's brother, Mario Bellucci, is the husband of Ivette De Rocchi, performing in the same circus.
They also owns the "Safari Park Zoo d'Abruzzo" on the Adriatic coast of Italy, where some of their animal acts performs.
Roberto used to be a succesful tiger trainer in the 80s and 90s, and Mario is an elephant trainer.