Thursday, May 7, 2009

What a waste of conservation dollars!!!!

Pictured here in the Sanbona Game Reserve is one of four white lions recently released into the Sanbona Game Reserve in South Africa. The white lions were taken into captivity decades ago to protect them from poachers. Under a multimillion dollar conservation project, the lions are now being reintroduced to the wild.

Courtesy of Mike Naughton


Anonymous said...

from Jim Stockley, your South Africa correspondent:

Hello Wade, You are quite right that this has no conservation value. I can report though that Sanbona is a completely private enterprise and part of the extremely successful Shamwari group. They are spending their own money to create a tourist attraction and hyping white lions as rare and mystical (when in fact they are common as rats here nowadays). Sanbona is part of the same outfit to which 'Born Free' send the lions and leopards they "save from zoos and circuses" all over Europe.

Wade G. Burck said...

I was confident you would pick up on that, and "set the story" straight. I was confident it would have greater validity coming from a "resident." Folks need to wise up to the Born Free Foundation and the Monaco mob, and not just keep endorsing and donating their Euro/dollars in a sad effort to be accepted, and part of something so weak and pathetic. Shooting their own feet to be "recognized" is their right, granted, but the folks who have climbed in the big provincial bed in Monaco are taking a piece of our animal industry foot each time they bow, curtsy, and grovel for a photo opp and buffet.