Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Trunks

Karl Trunk Jr., above and Karl Trunk Sr., below


Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Ahhhh, cute

Anonymous said...

and charming....

Steve said...

What a cute [and charming] looking act!

Nice to see that grey hairs can still get a feed!

Anonymous said...

from Jim Stockley:

Speaking of grey hair ....Anyone know if this "Karl Trunk" is the son of Wolfgang Trunk and Regina Strassburger-Trunk of Circus Strassburger in Holland or Harry Belli? They were tiger and elephant trainers weren't they?

Weren't Karl & Wolfgang Trunk the people who took over the elephant dept.when Danny Renz got killed by the elephant 'Monica' on Sabine Rancy in France? or am I all mixed up? Can someone help straighten me out?

I may be wrong but I'm thinking those grey hairs were honourably acquired in the line of duty ?

Wade G. Burck said...

I can verify grey hair being cause by that type of situation. I also developed a twitch and hand tremors.

Anonymous said...

Mr Stockley

the elephant you mean was called Chiquita, the attack happend after the evening perfomance, Danny Renz was taken to the hospital were he died the following day.


Mary Ann said...

Wade, those things you mention are not noticeable, and do not diminish your attractiveness in the least.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Thank you. Most folks only have a problem with the bolting at loud screams, only to realize that no body is getting killed, but rather someone just scored a touchdown or hit a home run. It stays with you a lifetime.