Sunday, May 17, 2009

Simon De Winter and Alex Lacey

I received a nice letter and these photo's from my friend Simon De Winter this morning:

Saturday 9th of May I finally met my idol Alexander Lacey :) We visited Charles Knie in Mülheim a/d Ruhr.
It was a nice show. The double tiger walk is an awesome trick though he had to do it over that matinee.

The head-in-mouth is not performed cause he s breeding with Maasai. Recently he lost one of his lionesses (cardiac disease/tumor can't remember)
There 3 extra lionesses travelling with, two are about to give birth, some of those cubs may be integrated in his act.
Later the females will go to Martin.
Martin is now performing with the Barum Rhino quite successfull.

Alexander was very friendly to us, nice to see he's beside a cool artist a kind person.
Before he was -according to his wife as ever- working on his new truck,
it's huge!! he was placing the lying platforms in it.

Don't forget to check out Simon's great circus site: It sure is wonderful to see all the "young" fans from Europe taking such a great interest in the circus. It gives you hope that it may be around for a long time, at least in Belgium and Europe.


Anonymous said...

So momently he travels with 6 lionesses ?


Wade G. Burck said...

I think 5 lionesses. One died from the act which leaves two, and the 3 new one's not working but used for breeding.