Sunday, May 10, 2009


It is beautiful, but not much seating. Thank God for short jumps. A coliseum full, now that used to get you fired up.

Sara Houcke(did she get married yet?)


Raffaele De Ritis said...

Seating is more than it looks: Roncalli can seat about 1800, if you considers also the upper loge boxes. Furthermore, it is one of the few circuses remaining with wooden benchs and folding chairs, allowing much more space than with the modern plastic seats. Intimacy and smallness was one of the key secrets of the "Roncalli recipe" from the beginnings. And the choice of a circus smallest than the average, properly promoted (six-weeks runs, central places, ticket pricing,etc.) contributed in making his owner one of the richest men in Germany.

Wade G. Burck said...

Fortunate for him that it was in Germany where smaller venue's, and short jumps will make 1800 feasible. In a larger world, that would be real, real hard. It is real hard to sell out something like the Garden, although a few exceptional talents have done it, Elvis, the Beatles, Sinatra, etc. If a Sinatra played say the Krone Bau it could probably be sold out for 5 months.

Raffaele De Ritis said...

Of course Wade, I agree. Things must be jugdged in their context. And Roncalli's social-economic context is the metropolitan culture of central Europe.
This is the same reason for the big pop stars never do more than few single dates in Europe.

Did you knew that Beatles played Krone-bau?

Wade G. Burck said...

I did know the Beatles had played there. Was it "pre American invasion" or "post American invasion." The greatest advantage to the smaller venue, I would think would be the ability to, as Roncalli has done format a beautiful show with the same lighting, sound, and ambiance. I should also think the tempo of the show would be easier to maintain. But the excitement of walking into a full stadium is something never forgotten.

Saphira said...


As I know Roncalli is allowed to seat 1499 people. Maybe there could sit more into it, but one more selled ticket and there had to be a fireman during every show...
I like Roncallis inventory, looks much nicer than plastic seats and all this stuff...

Best wises

Wade G. Burck said...

Welcome. The name Saphira is unusual. Is it a stage name? Roncalli is indeed a beautiful show, and has been noted for great for great performances through it's long history.

Saphira said...

Hey Wade G. Burck

Sorry that I did not answer before, but I had problems with my Computer first and could not find this page immediatly again after it.
Saphira is just a nick name. It developed some years ago: A friend once told my "you must be really happy today, your eyes sparkle like a Saphir today" and so I got my nickname ;-)
You're right Roncalli is a beautiful show. I really like it: great appearance, great atmosphere and wonderul artist = beautiful circus. ;-)

Best wishes,