Monday, May 18, 2009


Any blog readers who would like to purchase Gary's newest effort before it hit's the market, need only to contact him by snail mail at the below address at Zoo Poo Press for a special discount. I am looking forward to it. You can't believe the stories Gary has after many years of animal service.


Anonymous said...

Off Topic.
For anyone in San Diego.
Fern Street Circus will be in Balboa Park for their second and last weekend the 22nd through 24th.
Sorry no animals but some very hard working talented kids.Excellent production. They don't make them quit at 18 so some have gotten very good and a few turned pro. It was worth my time and I think yours.
Mark Horton

Wade G. Burck said...

Sorry, but I am of the opinion that youth circus's, instead of promoting the fact that the expense of and lack of skill in handling animals is the reason for not having them, instead leaves the impression that they are not a necessary part of a "circus production" if I may take liberties with what it is they do. Just as I am sure a book about the plant's in the zoo by former Director Gary Clarke would be of interest it would not be the same thing as a book about the animals.

Wade G. Burck said...

Off Topic,
To be fair, here is a impartial review of the Ringling Red Show, from a devoted European circus fan excerpted from a private email, which should cause all concerned to be very concerned. It hurt's me because Ringling is dear to my heart, but I have to be realistic and admit, "that about sums up the current affair." Bright side is they never saw the "glory years" or they would be physically ill as well as disappointed. While it is still grander then most anything offered in the world, it is sure a caricature of it's former self.

Excerpted review:

Saturday we went up to Philadelphia to see Ringling's Red and I was a little
disappointed to be quite frankly. I've seen the red unit two years ago and wasn't
too thrilled but the new edition was disappointing. I thought I was at the
freaking High School Musical. The singing was more than annoying, the acrobatic
groups somewhat mediocre and the animal acts below average. While two years ago
the zebra/horse act was a nice picture colorwise and showed nice behaviors, it
lost its appeal this year in the two ring display. Even my girl friend a
"circusvirgin" (Saturday was her 5th show overall) made a comment that we'd seen
better shows and acts. We both really enjoyed the Gold Unit last Fall, which had
in my opinion much classier acts. I can't compare the current show to the show
you and Mr Gebel-Williams were on since i've never seen Ringling in the old days
but the show I've seen Saturday was definately not the greatest show on earth.