Friday, May 15, 2009

Giraffe delivery to the Stockley Game Ranch in South Africa

Arriving at the ranch

Coming in the back gate.

Covering the capture trailer.

Making it dark to calm the animals so the blindfolds and earplug can be removed for
their pending release.

We had a pair of giraffe delivered to our Game Ranch
this afternoon. They replace the pair we lost last
year ...... Our big bull was struck by lightning and
one of our cows died following a stillbirth. This
pair of 5yr olds were caught this morning about 100
miles away from us. The capture team plug their ears
and blindfold them and then travel them down the highway.
They travel well as long as they have the plugs in and
the blindfolds on.
This trailer is used for rhino or giraffe and lowers down
to the ground for loading and unloading.

I sure want to thank Jim for these great photo's.
This is sure different from catching a raccoon or
squirrel in a hav-a-hart trap. This is the BIG LEAGUES.
To think of getting up in the morning, deciding you need
a couple of giraffe,and going out in the "woods" and
getting them is mind boggling to me. The process which
Jim has graciously described above should give any
"doubting Thomas animal rights folks" a pretty
good idea that things have advanced and progressed
greatly, from the historic day's of Carl Hagenbeck
and William Hornaday.

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