Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fire Magic--One of the worlds only Red Freisians.

To appreciate this animals beauty, you have to witness him in person. I know some Arabian horse's that would "die" for" tippy" ears, and "expressive" eyes like Chewy posses, but they will stay away from the neck and throat latch. LOL


cwdancinfool said...

Wade - This is a great picture of Chewy. Thank you for sharing it.

Wade G. Burck said...

I am hoping as he get's older, he get's more "trying", and Madame Col. calls and say's, "I'm at my wits end, please take this monster off my hands!!!!" I would be proud and thrilled to gallop him up into the grand entryway of Kenworthy Hall, canter pirouetting and rearing him just short of crashing into the marble fireplace, ala William Wallace(Braveheart).

cwdancinfool said...

Wade - I can just picture that with you in costume and makeup. Actually, I think Chewy was put in Dianne's life just to keep her on her toes and keep her from getting bored. I am hoping to get out there in July for her show.

Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Dianne's life got really interesting when trying to take Mr Gorgeous George pampered show horse one of the world's only red Friesians into a babbling stream at the video shoot. Ended up backing up into the stream at which when he realized his feet were for real in the water he frantically leaped out. However through the magic of film it looked like he pranced bravely out of the stream and into an elegant cantor through the tall grass .... a beauty in motion....

cwdancinfool said...

Dianne - I want to see that video.


Dianne Olds Rossi said...

It's in the making, I only saw snippets...looks good to me. I am going over music in hand Tuesday to put some touches on it.