Thursday, May 7, 2009

Elephant culling on the cards

Published in Legalbrief Today

The Sunday Independent notes that this will be done as part of a controlled experimental programme undertaken by SA National Parks (SANParks) to determine the effects of culling, contraception and range expansion on social behaviour and the meta-population. Culling was listed as one of the management options available in terms of the norms and standards for elephant management that came into effect last year. Under the regulations, owners and managers of national parks and reserves roamed by the country's ever-expanding elephant populations must prove to the Environmental Affairs and Tourism Minister or their provincial MEC that killing megaherbivores on their properties is necessary based on scientific research. David Mabunda, the CE of SANParks, refrained from saying when the pilot culling project would start, because the management plans for elephant-range parks such as Kruger, the Addo Elephant National Park and Marakele National Park were still being finalised. Different interventions would be introduced in each park, some with a combination of management options, he is quoted as saying. 'Our priority is to understand the underlying effects of those interventions,' Mabunda said.

I have seen emails that confirm an array (what's a collective noun for lawyers? A school?)((Mob is good, as in mob of Kangaroos, and gang will also work, as suited for them as street gang, as will gaggle as in a gaggle of geese)) of some of the best legal brains in this country, brought together by Animal Rights Africa and working pro bono, who are putting together a Supreme Court challenge to have culling stopped. HSUS will make a fortune in donations.

Courtesy of the Dark Continent Correspondent, Jim Stockley

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