Monday, May 4, 2009

Elana Larkina

This beautiful lady has sure added a nice twist with the costuming, to an often done, often tired act. The quick shot of her in the below Knie TV promo, suggests she does a wonderful job.


Raffaele De Ritis said...

Yelena Larkina's act is called "Fata Morgana", and was staged in 1994 by the great russian director-coreographer Valentin Gneushev, author of some of world's best acts in the last two decades. In the Usa she presented this act a couple of times with Big Apple Circus. She is today married to juggler Kris Kremo.

Simon De Winter said...

I saw her perform twice with almost ten years in between and her act is awesome.
Her song 'Fata Morgana" is beautiful!
After all those years she proves every day what an extraordinary artist she is.

Freiheitsdressur said...

I definitely agree with Simon and Raffaele. Go to to see the video of her act from last season on the Big Apple Circus. The audience LOVES her act, the slow pace sensuous music, costume, and her presence is truly amazing.

Mary Ann said...

Here is the link to Yelena Larkina's act mentioned:
However, I think that the following act is the best hula hoop act. Note halfway through the act, that the girl does not stoop to pick up her hoops, as Yelena Larkina does:
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
I disagree. When you are as stunning and sexily costumed as Yelena, stooping is just another nice way to sell the goods.

Mary Ann said...

Wade, you are so full of baloney sometimes. You are the one who decries "cute and charming" winning prizes over the ones who are more competent, and yet that is exactly what you are promoting here. The other girl is so obviously technically and artistically superior.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
It's Hula Hoops!!!!! As technical as a slinky or a pet rock. You are confusing "cute and charming" with "sexy as hell", by the way. "Cute and Charming" alibi's a lame act, "sexy as hell" doesn't need to do anything. If it does do something in addition to, like Yelena, that's an ace.