Friday, May 8, 2009

Circus Zavatta elephant seized

The Secretary General of the Federation of Christian traditions and circuses Caffy launched Tuesday, a "cry of alarm" to denounce the conditions of detention of "Kenya", an elephant 21 years, written by Justice in a circus in Dijon and placed in a reserve in the Ardèche.

The pachyderm had lost "200 kg or more than 10% of its body weight in 25 days," said Caffy to AFP, joining in a press release, photos of Kenya and the Order of the veterinarian who had visited Ardèche.

According to the Secretary General, since his arrival "early April" in this reserve in the Ardèche Peaugres "The elephant is in state of stress as it feeds almost no more."

Mr. Caffy launches a real cry of alarm "to save Kenya and out of this zoo, which - according to him - more like a detention center or even a prison than a nature reserve."

For its part, the veterinarian, Eric Loise, who was "regularly for eight months" the elephant, circus Zavatta property, confirmed to AFP the "weight loss of about 200 kg since his arrival in Peaugres.

A weight loss that has "probably because his state of stress," He added that if this condition persists "there would be a risk to the life" of the pachyderm

For Cristelle Vitaud, veterinary specialist wildlife for 18 years "of the reserve Peaugres, this diagnosis is" completely false "and was" in the eye and fifty meters "of the pachyderm.

"The elephant is fed properly, I regularly monitors and I am extremely careful with his diet," she told AFP adding that since his arrival Kenya plays and swims with the other elephants "of the reservation.

The police had embarked early April the elephant in the circus Zavatta installed in Dijon. The animal was subject to seizure by the Court of Appeal of Amiens following a complaint for abuse of the Foundation Assisting animals.

Born in captivity in 1988, Kenya is said Caffy a "real circus beast, peaceful and adored" children.

"Mr. Gilbert Collard will soon file a complaint with the prosecutor Privas" to request the return of the elephant, "said Caffy.


Steve said...

Wade - this story surfaced on a Pommy web-site about a week ago with a dateline of April 1!

The bloke who posted it has since assured me that it is not April Fools Day BS and is a fair dinkum story.

Sounded a bit like a "voice controls alone" type story to me at first.

Wade G. Burck said...

The industry has been destroyed, irreversibly by mutt's who have one or a couple old animals that can be worked by a half bright chimpanzee. They spout that "voice command/hand signal bs because the animal does nothing, and then some poor bloke who has high powered animals that actually do something, walks into folks and press who have been conned and get's raped, and he did nothing. As a rule he is far superior to anything the "whisper" could ever hope to be. They are a joke and not deserving of either yours or my thoughts or breath.