Saturday, May 2, 2009

Busy, busy day!!!!!

Real tired tonight, 10:30 PM Eastern. I spent most of the day administering uterine lavages on 9 infected mares. For you none equine folks who don't know what that is, it is the cleansing of infected uterus's, before the mare's can be breed. Uterine lavage entails manually inserting a long rubber tube into the vagina and through the cervix into the uterus. To get to the cervix and into the uterus, the greased gloved arm is inserted(up to mid bicept) into the above mentioned vagina, knuckles at a 90 degree angle. You then instill one bag of sterile saline solution, and then let the bag refill, much like a syphon system only depending on gravity. Depending on the amount of infection(pus) present in the uterus it may take up to 4 or 5 bags of saline solution, but in this case the infections were mild, and it refilled relativly clear with one bag. You then insert a stiff, 1/4 inch diameter, 2 1/2 foot long tube into the uterus, via the cervix, through the vagina and you then inject 25 cc of antibiotic to fight the infection. This has to be repeated once a day for the next 3 day's, and it is not a broodmares favorite thing in the world to do, and virtually impossible to do by yourself. I tried the first lady with the bag of saline held in my mouth, the tube under my arm, 25 cc of Pen-Aqueous in my hip pocket, tail wrapped and secured to her neck, free hand holding the lead rope. I got 4 fingers inserted, and Kaluha kicked the bag of saline solution out of my mouth!!!! That's as close as I ever want to come to having my head explode off my shoulders so I sought the aid of 4 ml's of Dr. Xylazine HCI backed up by 2 ml's of Dr. Acepromazine. The old girls "dozed" for 5 minutes, and woke up up cleaned thinking they had missed the evening grain. LOL I discovered one of them had a Caslik's procedure years ago and she was tough to get into. While I am having this "bag of fun" I noted one of the mares with foal up by the stallion barn, flaggling and urinating down her leg as she was "chatting up" Fabio(the girls are smitten by him). Strange, as given the date of her foaling she should not be coming into heat for 10 day's. But as most of you know, animals don't do what they are supposed to, instead doing what that damn well please!!!! I caught her up, and ultra sounder her, and sure enough she had a 42 folicle. Prime for breeding at that moment, rip roaring by tomorrow. The snafu is I am breeding her by shipped semen from Texas, and I had made arrangements for next week. I called the vet and trainer in Texas and they advised, "no way can we get it collected and flown there by tomorrow. The option is to give her a shot on Friday morning to ovulate her again, and load her and the baby and get them to the reproductive center in Columbiana so she can be there when the semen arrives on Saturday, fill her up, get her home and wait for the 2011 National Champion Yearling Filly(I can dream that if I want!!!) to hit the ground. And I was hoping to take a half day off, and go buy some Bantam Chickens, but it didn't work out that way, and tomorrow doesn't look promising.


Mary Ann said...

Wade, since I am one of the non-equine folks, I appreciate your sharing your activies, as I find it interesting and informative. I imagine that many other people do also.
Mary Ann

Rebecca Ostroff said...

so know you are a equine gynogologist ?

Wade G. Burck said...

I have had 3 goals since I was 18. The first was the Greatest Show on Earth, and the second was equine reproduction and third, leading the National Champion. I don't have as many years left to ace the second and third, which is why I have jumped in with both feet, to try to kill two birds with one stone. Next week when I have my finger up a stallions urethra packing the fossa and the 2 sinus's with Furison, I should be to the point of no turning back. Finally something as exciting and wondrous as opening night, with Charly and GGW standing nearby, on the "old" Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus.

Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Wade, your goals are huge, mine were more simple. I wanted to add three more Arabs running free to my Robin and Baby act.

As far as your animal husbandry endeavors, mine are more simple still i.e. keep big Fire Magic at a slow roar and footie's on the ground please.