Friday, May 1, 2009

ALERT--Don't Believe any of this!!!!

It has recently come to light that a "rooinek" living in Africa, who is quite jealous of my athletic ability to out run a Cheeta to his prey has been sending out these photo's and the ones below, over the internet with this explanation, in a effort to discredit me and get a feed:

That's me and my son Jamie in picture#5 with one of our male cheetahs
(Azzaro). To achieve the end result we used a combination of existing stock
footage, separate shots of our cheetah and Luke Cornell's springbok and some
visual effects. The result was quite funny ........... It's a French advert
for 'Charal' canned meat (go figure?). We filmed at a place called Lindbergh
Lodge, right next to a diamond mine.

Contact Us - Stockley Trained Animal Consultants


Anonymous said...

from Jim Stockley:

Times are hard Wade, you got to get a feed whenever you can ;-)

Wade G. Burck said...

For some reason, the whole note was cut short at the ends. Mate, would I love to sit under a Balboa tree with a couple of cases of beer with you, Gary Clarke, Toby Stiles, Richard Reynolds, Jim Clubb, Jim Alexander, Steve Robinson, and a few others I would hope would pop in. I bet we could share some tales. God Almighty, it would be a glorious afternoon. Anybody under the age of 40 could sit on the outer fringes and film the documentary. LOL