Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ringling Bros. Winter quarters Menagerie

I suggest the claim of "educating" was a reach even as far back as the golden years.

In regards to the post card above, I still think it is time to come up with a new "schtick." Either the "claim" was never accepted, or for some reason the pubic quit believing it.


Anonymous said...

The top photo is not of a "deer" but, instead, a blesbok, an antelope from South Africa. This post card may be dated from about 1931 and was likey the last blesbok with an American circus.

I'm sure the misnomer was an error by the card maker, not the show.

African antelopes were regularly seen in circus menageries of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and still up through the 1930s.

RBBB carried four species as late as 1948 - - reedbuck, nyala, brindled gnu and eland.

Wade G. Burck said...

I think suggesting it was the publishers error is an easy alibi. You have to suppose that the show had final approval.