Thursday, March 19, 2009

Perceptions and what is projected


Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
In regards to enrichment and cover, would that constitute a few logs to lay on and step over in the enclosure, as we see in these photos, and the one's below? The white tiger is also going, because it is unnecessary to have it in a zoo, as we can "see them in wild life films".

Anonymous said...

Wade, I so totally agree with you that the whole thing is a mess, a sham, and a hypocrisy, on the part of the Prince for getting rid of the zoo, on the part of the circus people for supporting his festival when he doesn't support animals in captivity, and on the part of everyone who chooses to remain ignorant or to turn a blind eye to what is going on here. You originally brought this up sometime last summer, and by now I would think that a lot more people would have woke up.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Not one person. It has been over a year, and not one mention of it. If I bring it up, there is anger and nobody will discuss it. It is completely ignored. Another festival has come and gone since. But Born Free has remained busy and vocal. I will hope to expose all the self serving folks in the mob, if nothing else to have another answer for "what happened here" someday. I value and love it to much to let it be used, for personal importance and validation of some folks.

Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement about this European Circus Ass. and regret nthat so many here who are borderline qualified as reps have made themselves generally hipocrits in what the profess and what their actions have been in regard to concern for circus animal acts.

Also Zoos are such a wonderful educational tool and photos, videos cannot bring them to life. When they talk about enviroment areas for animals and we do not take care of our human population. Animal rights people would scream if some 350 animals were crowded into a boeing 737 for hours at a time. How about that wonderful song that begins, "O give me a home where the buffalo roam etc etc etc. Zoos have been the caretakers and well being for animals for centuries and the general public enjoys zoos, elephants etc.

Wade G. Burck said...

Borderline means you are close to qualified, as borderline insane means you are almost there. The folks over there mucking about arn't even close to qualified. Worse yet if they were they would realize there is absolutely nothing there for the American Circus. They are getting a picture to hang on their wall, and that is all. I sure wonder who pays for the trips, their dedicated selves or OABA. While act's make the winter dates to pay for a memebership to fund OABA's agenda.