Thursday, March 19, 2009

Perceptions and what is projected

This zoo is scheduled to be shut down. Do you think it should be, given what we see here?


Anonymous said...

Wade, this zoo should probably be shut down if it can't be upgraded.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
They have already started to move the animals out. In attempting to address public perception, what do you find objectionable about this zoo?

Anonymous said...

Mate - if the Principality has a Mafia you'd better watch your back! LOL

Anonymous said...

Wade, the exhibits seem devoid of cover or enrichment. However, it's too bad that they have already started to move the animals out. With some money and effort, this zoo probably could have been upgraded.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

They do have a mafia. But I also have a child in this business, and I should hope there would be a future for him. As I am done, there is nothing to loose, for his sake. LOL If his father had been a Prince, and he was a member of the "Golden Sperm Club" that would not be a concern. But his father wasn't, and he isn't, so he has to hope for a revenue generating profession/future.

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
The owner of the zoo, was quoted at saying, "animals don't belong in a zoo. The belong in their native homeland free, with out the restraints of captivity." Not much to rehab or rebuild there, even if there was a desire to. But the giraffe arn't much of an issue they only set up in his parking lot for two weeks, and then they are gone, so they arn't really in captivity. I guess because they are moving? But you wonder how he justifies that "belong in their native homeland" deal. His gift so encouraged Born Free, who is a British "company" that they decided to "whack" the Great British Circus" as well as any one else in Britain with animals. I wonder why the British Circus mob that cocktails and caviar's in Monaco each year, didn't choke on their croissant when they realized what he was doing. Steve mentioned Mafia. A major sponsor of Born Free is Dubai World Africa, who's major partner is Dubai Drydocks-The Shipyard of Choice for 5000 vessels of all types and sizes. Pretty good friends to have if your whole kingdom is dependent on ships and yachts, and folks from Dubai, wouldn't you think?