Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hoofstock Exhibts--John Cooper's Anvers Zoo


Anonymous said...

The first photo in this section is of takins from northern Burma or China. There was never one of them in America until the Bronx got its “Gracie” on October 30, 1959. Prior to that, the only ones ever in the West were two that arrived in the London zoo in the early years of the 20th century. They are now rather common.

Antwerp zoo is located on a remarkably small tract of land per what I’ve heard. Shows how much can be done without giant expanse.

Wade G. Burck said...

I will ask a double question here, in regards to exhibiting Mandrill or Drills. Are there many American Zoo's exhibiting Takins? Again they seem like such an unusual animal. I can understand and endorse, concentrating on endangered species, as opposed to the old "one of every thing" thinking of old. And you are right, it is what you do with the land available.

Anonymous said...

I defer to Richard for a complete answer. St. Louis has exhibited takin for several years. I think San Diego imported some takin from Berlin (maybe East). Offspring from that group began to go to a few zoos, usually a single male and then females as they became available.

The first takin I saw was at the Catskill Game Farm in the early 80s (pre San Diego). It was a single male who had his horns trimmed down. Still an impressive animal I thought I may never see again.

Anonymous said...

Two points.

I do not own this zoo, so it's hardly mine.
And as the city is in Flanders rather than in Wallonia, it's far more apropriate to use the Flemish name for the place!!

Anonymous said...

John, but he writes in French for us!
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
The only French I am interest in Irina Bouglione.

Anonymous said...

Wade, we discussed on Saturday July 12 what you should say to Irina in French. However, since she is married, that is another one that you are going to have to watch the ring placement on, so pay attention. "If it was on her middle finger, in combination with a toe ring, "hot to trot, taking on all comers." If it was on the ring finger, "married and not to be bothered." If it was on the the little finger/pinkie, "married, but that's not relevant at the moment. Look for the toe ring, and ring move to the middle finger."
In my opinion the best bet is the little finger, which means that she wants YOU enough to forget that she is married for the moment. Middle finger and toe ring just sounds promiscuous and slutty. Now while you are working on all this, if it's not too much trouble, could you ask her if her relative Joseph would be interested in a very nice, attractive, but not slutty or promiscuous cougar?
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Do you see what happens when you start talking French?

Anonymous said...

Wade, you are in luck! According to my calendar (I'm not kidding), tomorrow is Journee Internationale de la FrancoPhonie -- International Speakers of French Day.
Mary Ann