Sunday, March 1, 2009

Elvis Errani Monte Carlo 2009

Maybe Mike Naughton has an extra set of ring curb from his Yankee Doodle Circus that he could donate to the Principality, so their out door show wouldn't look so raggedy. I don't mean bring it back and forth each year, but give it to them with the stipulation that they just have to keep it painted and in good repair. If they don't have a place to store it or if they are tight for room, donate a yard shed which they can set up in the old leopard exhibit.


Rebecca Ostroff said...

I am sure they think the hay is kind of chic,nouvelle poor, which is kind of trendy

Wade G. Burck said...

You have not been to Monaco in a while. There is nothing trendy or chic about poor, new, old, or otherwise. Quite the opposite, it is pretend wealth, real wealth, or used to be wealth. There is more BS there, within a 50 ft radians of the tent, then in 50 sq. miles anyplace else in the world. Make sure you bring chap stick. You will be double cheek kissing from the moment you arrive, until the moment you leave, stopping only to eat and have a bit of liquid refreshment.

Rebecca Ostroff said...

I still think they think they are trying to be clever, trendy ,bohemian,etc using hay.
Perhaps some artistic type person said ,"OOOoo we shall an element from circus not normally used for ring curbs we will be so clever"
I have never been to Monaco! However I have sat on bales of hay.
Not that that has anything to do with the price of tea or the tax on tea or the price of chapstick.
When you double cheek kiss you kiss the air so as not too smudge.Twice is good.

Wade G. Burck said...

No, this is sop in Europe to have a ring to practice in for the animals, when "the" ring in the tent is not available. Regardless, double cheek kiss's is a counterfeit antiquated practice.

Rebecca Ostroff said...

Well good to know about the hay, however it looks pretty performy to me, with all those people and press and matchy costumes and everything. I disagree about cheek kissing with you.I believe more than not are sincere, but also it is about not smudging.