Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cirque Roger Lanzac

I wonder how secure that pen is if he get's a leg over the bar?

At least they have have the hay bag in an "elevated" position for the giraffe to eat!!!!!!

I don't think it is good for a giraffe to eat paint.

many were probably single family wagon shows, or small indoor shows, some good, some not so good...but they were circus.

" I really think there needs to be a distiction.


Raffaele De Ritis said...

A picture handbook to make a perfect soft target.

The first thing associations, federations, corporations, princes, ministers etc. should do if they wish to save the concept of animals in the circus is to MAKE THOSE THINGS DISAPPEAR FROM THE FACE OF EARTH.

But no.
They instead promote meetings, paperworks, conferences, just avoiding the fact that most of the problem is inside the industry itself.

Wade G. Burck said...

I am been worried. I had not heard from you in some time. On Feb. 21 I posted some pictures of a Bouglione and a Count and Countess I hope you can identify.
No worse damage was done to the industry then the Prince with his animal donation. We as an industry could have really taken a stand, and spoke out by boycotting the ignorant, self serving putz, his Principality and his festival.
I think we have discussed in the past the fact that all "circus" is lumped under one thing, and the need for a distinction of good, bad, and ugly to differentiate between them. But for Albert to say, publicly for the world that felines need to be free, and not kept in cages, and then hand out awards and pose with award winners is beyond the realms of hypocrite bizarre.

Anonymous said...

Where is Cirque Roger Lanzak? I assume in France - -or maybe Belgium?.

Can a date be put on this photo?

The tall wagon to the left in the first photo looks like the giraffe van.

Wade G. Burck said...

The date is Dec. 3, 2006, and it is France. And yes, I believe that is the giraffe wagon/trailer. Looks like it is a frame covered with canvas/vinyl, that can be removed, and it travels with out a cover, in warm weather.