Monday, February 23, 2009

Are you kidding me?


Rebecca Ostroff said...

I like those chromed platform boots !!

Anonymous said...

I bet she runs the cook house, wardrobe dept., is the bookeeper, and drives a truck too.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Jim A. is probably rite. And she is possibly very proficient at said jobs. If any one truly cared for her they would let her do those things and keep her out of the ring, and stop embarrassing herself. No love.....LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

In addition to all that talent that she brought to the "entertainment table", don't forget the attraction of the glamor and beauty, which is probably what first drew her like a magnet into it.

See above comment to Jim. How can you not see that like a moth to a light, she had no other option!!!!

So did Tina Turner when she was refereeing "two walk in, only one walks out" bouts in the Thunder Dome pay per views.