Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wonderful vintage advertizing. The world does change, does it not.

Courtesy of John Goodall


Rebecca Ostroff said...

what no comments !! I even use to smoke camel straights till I wized up and realized smoking gives you wrinkles!!!
yes it's true, Madison Ave can manipulate our little minds into thinking many things are good.
advertising is a powerful thing ,done by professionals..peoples schooled in that sort of thing ..unlike uummm..let's see ..Now what profession?? It will come me to me...oh yeah ," Here hold this bullhook I'll be right back"..

Rebecca Ostroff said...

in addendum to my 2 cents..
Madison Avenue could never convince me that cans were good.Where I come from canned stuff is bad ,bottled stuff is better..oh yeah and lard.. please not in the northeast..
In conclusion ," Yes Wade, times have changed,advertising has changed!! O my goodness women work and vote!!!Has the circus changed, evolved ,moved forward? well the circus is a circle.Change has to happen ,there is no way around it, you can't stop it,you know entropic rotation and all that jazz!!!Maybe it is smaller, maybe there are less animals, maybe live music is a thing of the past!!Do you think maybe that large ginormous overwheming spectacles were perhaps ok in the olden know when everything was huge?
Maybe all you can eat buffets are not very good .

Wade G. Burck said...

I don't know if the big buffet devolving into a little plate of shit was the right way to go.

Rebecca Ostroff said...

So Mister Smarty Pants tell me please what little plates of shit shows have you been to recently ???
Oh yeah and all huge buffets to me are disgusting large cauldrons of shit

Rebecca Ostroff said...

Devolving? Is that what you call it!! I am so laughing!!We can't fight evovling..we'll be like sharks that refuse to move..
We evolve...that's just how it is.
Sometimes we implode.I don't think devolving is a word or is possible .

Wade G. Burck said...

Devolving is a word I made up long ago for "my" vocabulary. As there is not an appropriate word for backwards evolution(excepting regressing) devolving seemed to work. Evolving is change/adaption for the better or improvement of. Devolving is having less of something just to have anything. In many cases, extinction is a better alternative.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, the Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines "devolve" as "to degenerate through a gradual change or evolution". example "where order devolves into chaos"
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Wow. I never knew it was a real word. And a damned appropriate one at that. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most entertaining exchanges on the blog yet. I just deleted several paragraphs stimulated by Ms Ostroff's "Here hold this bullhook I'll be right back comment" least I make a fool of myself.
Ms. Ostroff, it took me 15 years of being willing to assist with circus animals and being requested by many major acts to hadle their props and animals before I ever "held the bullhook" in a crisis situation. I earned the respect of Buckles, Gunther, Charly, Kay, Pat Anthony, Albert, and such to assist with the handling of their animals. I'm still not an animal expert but at 62 years of age, I'm still willing to learn and I'm still willing to shovel the shit.
There is nothing wrong with the circus being grand, grandiose, and spectacular. There is nothing wrong with it changing so long as it remains true to its roots. The alligator has not changed in several millenia and still does its job effectively.
Enjoy your small plates or tapas, Wade and I will go the the buffet and eat real food.

Wade G. Burck said...

I don't believe she was talking about any "crisis" situation. I think she was talking about "manipulating little minds into thinking many things are good." Maybe I am jaded, buy I assume she was talking about members of the animal profession.
What in the world kind of "crisis situation" would require giving a hook to somebody other then an assistant/groom. I thank God I never faced any of those.

Rebecca Ostroff said...

Dudes and Dudette,
wow devolve is a word!!!thank you Mary Ann!
tapas are not enough, like a mussel, a single mollusk is not very filling or satisfying!!!
Oh yeah Warren don't be so sensitive to think I was talking about you,but it is always good to have trained people doing serious things.I was going elsewhere..with my comment.Wade 'splained it good.

Rebecca Ostroff said...

oh yes, I like metaphors..