Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rodeo Roman Riding

Shakes the clown above

Sparkey Dent( note the legs pumping, and the hand waving confidently)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was seen a lot in circuses through Cole in the 1940s and I'll bet some of Floyd King's shows in the 1950s. Roman standing riders competing with jumps and all were part of the old time races that concluded the big shows from the WWI period and back. Good fast riding (more aggressive than Lorenzo, too, but Lorenzo was bareback, not with a pad shown here), narrower back since it's not a draft horse but I don't see any of the tricks Lorenzo does! But I'm glad you're trying, Wade, for I am enjoying the videos!
Dick Flint
Thanks, Ms. Rossi. Wish you'd play the east coast so I could visit and then hang paper for you 'cause I'd be a real fan of yours. LOL, Wade!