Sunday, January 18, 2009

Joseph Bouglione

These look like the creme horses from Flavio Togni that were with Gruss presented by Maude this year. When did the Bougliones have them?


Anonymous said...

Here you have a resume of the act:

2002/2003: Circo Americano Togni (Flavio Togni)
2004: Hungarian State Circus (Flavio Togni)
2004/2005: Circo Americano Togni (Flavio Togni)
2005: Circul Globus (Hans Suppmeier)
2005/2006: Cirque Hiver Bouglione (Joseph Bouglione)
2006: Circus Herman Renz (Michel Iarz)
2006/2007: Circo Americano Togni (Daniel Togni)
2007: Verona Togni circusfarm
2007/2008: Circo Americano (Christina Togni)
2008: Cirque Arlette Gruss (Linda Gruss)

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. What were the horses names, old one's and new one's? What were are the behaviors that they do? Did they eat grain in the morning or in the evening?

Raffaele De Ritis said...

The act always belongs to Flavio, who rents to other circus.
Thomas: I've known hundreds of circus fans for 30 years. I don't know where do you pops out from, but your knowledge is just amazing. I will begin to post some difficult question for you, and we'll see if you deserve Guinness Golden Clown for Circus Animal Knowledge.
For exemple, wich animal acts won 33th Gold, Silver and Bronze clowns two hours ago?

Anonymous said...

The names I don't know I think one is called Assam but not sure. The most horses are between 9 year old and the new ones are 5 to 6 year old I think. Flavio rents horse act to Circus Herman Renz since 2006 and to Gruss since 2007. The horse act witch was with Gruss in 2007 was before always presented and was trained by Flavio's cousin Christina Togni. That act was at Louis Knie from 2004 to 2005 or 2006 I think. The new Togni horse act will be at Herman Renz in 2009.

I was a sleep when you asked about MC this otherwise I would gave you the answer. LOL. Were do you live ? What do you especially love about circus, animals, clowns, ... ?


Casey McCoy Cainan said...


What is to love about clowns??

LOL,,it's a joke Thomas. One horse name is better then most would have done I am sure.

Wade G. Burck said...

If they were dog's, one name would have been as good as the next. These are horses we are talking about. They carry great Generals into battle to conquer the oppressors and free the oppressed. They are noble steeds, not the main course at a Malaysian banquet, so names count.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

My dog is far smarter then any horse...
And she really really really loves me,,,,LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

Listen Pal,
Until you have spent a dirty weekend, and been french kissed by fine bloodstock, you don't know what real love is.