Saturday, January 10, 2009

For Mary Ann--Long lining SRS


Anonymous said...

Wade, thank you. Watching these videos, it is easy to see why the Spanish Riding School is so highly esteemed.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

A beautiful thing to see

Wade G. Burck said...

The horse in the last video does canter pirouette and one tempe reminisent of a fine horse name Roman.

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
You will note the long lines being used to apply pressure to all parts of the horses body, across the hips, back, much like the hip/pelvis shift of a rider, staying out of the horses mouth, and letting the hips motor/power the forward movement.
In roman riding, the lines are only to keep the animal from running a way from you.

Anonymous said...

What alot of crap. After two minutes in the circus ring it would get boring. Adolf Delbosq and Clara, dancing with the horse did all of this with style and clasws and Adolf stayed back away on the lions and did not have to take those rediculous giant steps. All done in about twelve minutes including playing the bells and blowoff with Capriole, Hind leg pivot and hind leg walk out of the ring. I believe that Louie Stern and Gil Gray would prefer them rather than the long stepping goof in the funny hat. Thats Showbizs. Wonder where the next date of the mounties or the Spaini9sh school are. Lashinsky survises with one nighters and lon jumps.

Wade G. Burck said...

Col. Herriott,
Thats the greatness of the SRS and the Mounties. They are so revered their countries support them. They don't have to do one night stands or long jumps. Actually, I don't think they would grind their horse up like that. They are an institution. But maybe if they took a show to let's say France, and billed them as "direct from the Stud of Gary Lachinsky" it might be a real money maker. Now bells, that's a hell of a deal. Who has those bells anyway. I heard he was a goof. LOL

Anonymous said...

John, I have a problem here. I don't see why you cannot appreciate the exact training involved whether it be SRS or Circus or Horse Show. Good is good and it would be hard to fault the correctness on display. Would it work in a circus, probley not but then as Wade said they wouldn't push for hard floors and one night stands. Would it suit me? No I love the flair of show biz but I enjoy watching and admiring anything done well as I do when I watch your liberty horses. SRS has their audience as does the circus. You always refer to the great riders from times past on the circus, this is now and I see none of the followings of that era. The American circus now produces nothing but impossible conditions for horses and equine acts that are hardly palpable even for todays uneducated audience. SRS is generations old but here we see the next generation stepping up. I would have loved to see Adolf Delbosq although I see the difficulty of presenting the Long Reins closer to the horse more difficult/precise and I use that in my displays with all the glitz and glamor I can dig up. Come on John, you gotta admit they are good, doesn't have to be your cup of tea but fault their horsemanship.