Tuesday, January 13, 2009

For Mary Ann and Jeannie--Side saddle Tandem

This will give you a a visual idea of what John Cooper verbally described very well in his review of Florian Richters act. The exception being these horse have not been trained to do high school movements, but additionally the lady is riding sidesaddle.


Anonymous said...

Wade, I found this enjoyable, but I will defer to Jeannie's opinion. She has had much experience, and I am just beginning to learn about the subject of horses.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
It was to give you more of an idea of how the lines are used to control the animal in front, and not just to keep them from running away.

cwdancinfool said...

Wade - This looks like a breed presentation at a horse fair or expo where amateurs demonstrate different uses for each breed. I think she did a very nice presentation with side passes and lead changes and a good choice of music.


cwdancinfool said...

Wade - I went to Noble Horse in Chicago a couple of weeks ago and Laura was doing a tandem. Laura told us when we were there that the show was probably going to close and I just heard recently that it has. The website is still up, but if you go to tickets, there are no shows available. Very sad.


Wade G. Burck said...

I agree. As a breed presentation for Morgans, she did a nice job. I think a lot of folks have a hard time differentiating what different shows/presentations are about.

Wade G. Burck said...

In regards to Noble Horse, it has been opening and closing since it's conception. I remember when they first started with the refurbishing of the old carriage/stable facility, I thought it would be an exciting concept to have it there. The refurbishing, just kind got "cheap" and it never had that feeling. It's location and the concept in Chicago should have really made it a success, but it didn't. I think many of the "ideas" of the place up North led to it's demise. I took a date to a show 3 years ago, and it was us, and a birthday party of 40 screaming playing kids at the show, and it made it quite unenjoyable, company ecluded.

cwdancinfool said...

Wade - I've been lucky. When I've gone to the show it has been mostly adults. While it hasn't been the best show, I think it has been entertaining and improved over time. Wait - did you say you had a date??????


Wade G. Burck said...

Shoot yes a date. Historically I was known as an "aficionado/great admirer of the female sex. In 2006, I ran into the darkest, blackest,evilest example of that genre you can have nightmares about. It scared me forever, and I haven't been back since.

Anonymous said...

This lady is in California and does the expos. This was taken at Night of the Horse in Del Mar. I have been to her web site. This is about all her horses do but guess it's good enough for the expo entertainment.

Wade G. Burck said...

As a breed demo and an actual show I think you have different things. A tandem hitch or a unicorn hitch might be more indicative of Fresians, than Fire Magic dancing. Fire Magic dancing may lead folks to think that is in all of them. As an extra "wow", great not not a real good idea of what the breed is.

Anonymous said...

Wade/Jeanne, this was not a breed show, Night of the Horse is a full fledged entertainment event in one of the biggest horse show areas in California. These are paid acts (unless of course they can get them free) for horse entertainment, it is a long standing yearly event usually attended quite well, I was there twice within the last 10 years. As with other horse venues the entertainment is hired by amateur volunteered committee members and not left to the "hired producer" who knows what she is doing and does it well. So this lady needs to stay with the breed shows displaying her Morgans, she is out of place here.

cwdancinfool said...

Dianne - Considering the type of event, you are right. She did not belong. She should stick to the horse fairs and expos where she can exhibit in the breed demos.

Wade G. Burck said...

I thought I was seeing a breed demonstration at a "horse fair." I only posted it because I could not find a better tandem clip for Mary Ann. I did not post it as something great. Is something like Equitana not a breed exhibition, with "show" added for each breed, as their ability dictates?

Wade G. Burck said...

Don't fault her. A producer offered her the money/job and she took it. I think the fault is in the producer who felt it was adequate for his "show".

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

Dianne Olds Rossi said...

An updated comment. This act will be a representation from the U.S. at the World Show in KY in 2010. This event is one of the biggest to be in the U.S. usually held in Europe. This a result of amateur U.S. producers. Too bad that the U.S. will showcase an act of this caliber instead of the best of the best. How embarrassing that we introduce to the world's equestrian finest an act such as this. Sounds much like what is going on in Washington DC.

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.
That is indeed disturbing. I love America, and am proud of her, but I think in this case, when the show is on I will tout my German ancestry. Dum kauff Yanks, must be nut's.