Friday, January 16, 2009

For Henry Edgar

Monte Carlo 2009 above and Monte Carlo 2006 below. Where are the great acts anymore? Which of these acts would cost the most for a show to hire? Which act took the longest to train and would take the longer time to get a return on investment? Read the discussions about the outrageous prices Ringling charges for concessions and tickets on the "history channel". This is 3 years difference in a show, Henry that is the "best 0 the best" according to publicity/press. But in an effort to bring something new, what are the options? Who is the better trainer, and who would be wasting their time.


henry edgar said...

i loved the big horse display; that says circus with a capital C. it's the kind of act that made circuses great and i'd love to see it in this country. the act with the two horses reminded me somewhat of what Cirque du Soleil might do with horses- but the best of the best? i'd believe the big liberty act in a best of the best setting.

Wade G. Burck said...

What is selling them out. Cirque du Soleil or circus. Is the top act the best because it is all that is left, or all that can be financially hauled? Where are all the great acts?

henry edgar said...

if the top act is the best of the best this year, we're going downhill. it might work in a cirque setting but not in a traditional setting.

i think it's sad if the first act is the best of the best simply because it's cheaper to haul two horses around than a big group.

Wade G. Burck said...

That is the current state of affairs in the circus. Some would suggest it always has been, and that there were more willing to work for that 50 years ago, then today. I don't know it that is the case, but it may be. I think when we started accepting "anything" with a ring and acts as being a circus, regardless of what it's content was, it was inevitable it would arrive at today's standard.