Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Flicflacing Wet Bits

If the title I've given this sounds like it's wearing, it's meant to. And if anybody finds it objectionable, oh boy have you come to the wrong place!
There is a German circus called Flic Flac, owned by Benno Kastein. By no means is it a mainstream show. In fact it's the show with the wet people that i told you I saw on Saturday 10 January. So there's some of your wet bits! The handstand lady was Larissa Kastein, whom I believe to be Benno's daughter.
The place at which I saw the show was Mainz, which is at the confluence of the rivers Rhine and Main - two other substantial wet bits. Perhaps now is the time to say that calling any reasonable expanse of water "a wet bit" is a family joke, and something I will do to be silly. Having used the term for The English Channel, WB (and I do NOT mean Wonder Boy - believe me I don't) found it amusing, so I've repeated it.

Larissa's act is the only watery one in the show's first half and, in fact, the other two aquatic ladies were not working when I visited.For the final 10 to 15 minutes of the performance (which is entitled "Underground"), the ring becomes a large paddling pool, which doubles as the water's edge at the beach, all artistes being in swimwear or beachwear. For much of the sequence there is a water curtain, representing either rain or a shower.
Two acts work in this environment. Los Diabolos Del Fuego present the finale of their bolas act from earlier in the show, now using fire props - with flames spreading across the water. And we see Saidou Conde (from Guinea) present his contortions - and I would term him an extreme contortionist, as he incorporates some dislocations.
Otherwise, everybody is playing football and splashing about at the water's edge, just having fun - which is contagious, especially at the end of an enjoyable show.
By far the majority of the acts are suitable for mainstream circus. Indeed, many have appeared in it. But the acts have been re-costumed and re-packaged. For example, The Flying Baetas (who have been with both Barum in Germany and Pinder in France) work in tee-shirts and combat trousers. However, the act remains the same.
Unlike Cirque Du Soleil, Flic Flac offers a series of circus acts with virtually no character-based sequences interspersed. Prop changes are swift and efficient, and just about all the continuity comedy occurs in the gangways of the auditorium.
I came away with a decided spring in my step, which is rare these days, mainly because I've seen a lot of circus in my time. I will admit that I found some of the interludes to be erotic.
Mainz was the Christmas venue for a touring show rather than being something put together especially for the festive season. Next December/January will find Flic Flac elsewhere. And don't look for it on a traditional circus lot. At Mainz it was pitched by the docks.

With regard to The Great Burck's enquiry about the existence of a cover charge and a VIP area, I don't have the foggiest idea what he means!!

Courtesy of John Cooper

Mate, I think "wet bit" sounds more noble then "herring pond," and I am a bit hacked that the performers in the show seemed to be all fur coats and no knickers to you. I am not going to argue the toss about your knowledge of cover charge or VIP area. The fact that you are at the head of the seating list at both Stringfellows and Spearmint Rhino speaks for it's self.


Anonymous said...

Merci Beaucoup, Jean. Peut-etre le Cirque a besoin de plus choses erotiques.

Anonymous said...

Wade, I wonder how many people caught your double entendre of "wet lap dance". Anyway, to save everyone the trouble of looking them up, here are the links to Stringfellows and Spearmint Rhino:
Across the wet bit here, in a foreign country, we have Jason's Gentlemen's Club and the Million Dollar Saloon. For the ladies, there is Danny's.
Mary Ann