Friday, January 16, 2009

Doug Terranova's tigers--Presenter unknown--Universoul Circus

Courtesy of Casey McCoy Cainan


Anonymous said...

El Niche ,from Columbia.

Anonymous said...

His real name is Carlos Savian Quientones by the way.

Anonymous said...

Wade, this act was a lot of nothing: a group lay-down, the tiger turning around with his front feet on the pedestal, the fire hoop (impressive, but not very difficult), and the mirror ball with no sit-up. It appeared that the tigers were as bored as the audience.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Thomas who has seen 16 cage acts in Europe, considers a lay down, a mirrored ball, and a fire jump as great or "muscle" tricks???? Is this discussion tying in with the horse act discussions? What/who is setting/defining the standard? Interesting is it not.

Anonymous said...

Wade, with all due respect to Thomas, I think he needs to follow your advice to look at cage acts with the same critical eye that he looked at Regina Bouglione's horse act with. This discussion is indeed tying in with the horse act discussions. Far be it from me to attempt to set/define cage act standards, but I have learned quite a bit from discussions between you, Casey, and others, and from my own mistakes in answering past posts. I say with 100% confidence "This act is LAME!" Yes, very interesting.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

I did never said I found it muscle tricks.I asked it beacause I didn't knew what is difficult to learn to an animal and what not. I found a mirror ball beautiful and I know now it is only a muscle trick when you do one with three all touring in a different way like Charly did.And I also understand know Alex Lacey's act is a great act for now, but he doesn't know anything about tigers and lions because he just worked with 8 animals for 11 years. I also know now that a lay down and jums are basic tricks that you learn to an wild animal. Next times if I see cage acts I will use same critic as on Regina's act when I know look back to cage acts I saw I know that the ones I found great and amazing, aren't that great and amazing. And I saw a video of GGW and it were all basic tricks except the hind legs but it was a great act because all the animals did just what he said and they did it very very good.


Wade G. Burck said...

Relax she is complementing you. I have the email where you stated they were muscle tricks as well as the barrel roll with the front feet. You were basing your thoughts on what you have seen. As you start looking more, and more at many different things, you are looking at them through a more experienced eye, and more able to make a learned decision. What in the world was basic about GGW's tricks? LOL

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Wow Wade,
You got this kid thinking GGW is basics, after starting up the Clubb/Compalongo Fan Club something is a miss here,,,LOL

Don't sell Mr. Lacey short. He may not have experience with anything but those eight cats, but he has obviously learned "something" about cats while training them to do what they do. There are several people who have "trained" many many groups of cats that still knew nothing more then how to survive an attack when it was all said and done. Clyde Beatty was probably over the 200 mark in numbers, yet I would put my money on Alex knowing more of what goes on in a cats head. It's kind of relative to "what" you are doing with the cats more then "how many" you were around.

Wade G. Burck said...

I will disagree with that statement, because you are basing both of them on isolated individuals and not the norm.

Anonymous said...

Thomas, I apologize if you took offense to my comment, because no offense was intended. Wade is correct, it was meant as a compliment to your critical skills with regard to the horse act. Wade is the guy to teach you what to look for in a great cage act.
Mary Ann

B.E.Trumble said...

Beatty claimed 900 cats by the time he died. That's over 40 some years. But his biggest trick was seating all of them. He figured a single cat rollover was a major accomplishment.

In fairness to Doug, this is an act where he has to drop in a new presenter whenever the show decides to change faces. Gotta be pretty simple for that. The ideal Universoul animal act works itself and you plug in a "trainer" to style. Or maybe that's the ideal act period.

Wade G. Burck said...

Those are intangible that the "casual" sports fan does not consider. The point of the postings the last couple of days.

Anonymous said...

Marry Ann,
excuse me I think I didn't right understand. Wade is surly the guy to teach you what to look for in a great cage act.

I didn't said Gunther was basic, a guy who can train horses, elephants, tigers, exotics,... and all different animals on the world isn't basic. A man who can present a great number with over 17 leopards, jaguars, panthers and puma's isn't basic. I just wan't to say that I saw a video of Gunther doing a reverse jump over, jumps, mirror ball and sit up. I meant he maked of this tricks great tricks: His reverse jump over the tiger on the bottom bounced him while the one jumped over. He's mirror ball was a prettied up basic trick, his sit up with 18 was great and he's jump over the fire stick with pinto and rolls was also good but I think basic ! And the hind leg walks, their is just nothing basic on GGW.


Anonymous said...

Once everyone in the world is doing hind leg, does it become basic?

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Single cat tricks, laydowns, leaping from pedestal to pedestal,etc. things like that will always be more "basic" then leap frogs, hind legs, group tricks like a wheel or roll over with groups because they will always be easier to train and take less skill to do so.

Niche faced many of those "intangibles" working this act last year. He had little experience when he started, the act is a mix of two groups of adults from two different acts and trainers etc. Given the circumstances I think he did a great job. But the public doesn't see circumstances when they watch the act, they see what it is.

Wade G. Burck said...

That's not the comment that came with the video you sent. That is the conversation we had last night.

Wade G. Burck said...

Multiple hind legs are right now on the verge of becoming basic. It will be time for something else soon. If it is around as long as pyramids, lay downs, etc. it would be a shame. I am waiting for a number of corbetts over 3 or more standing tigers, so that can become basic. It is about advancing, and the profession didn't for a long, long time.
Fabian made a good point. Remember when the triple was the big deal. Now it is a yawner next to the quad. Who is going to be motivated to be the next Miquel and raise the bar?

Wade G. Burck said...


Niche faced many of those "intangibles" working this act last year. He had little experience when he started, the act is a mix of two groups of adults from two different acts and trainers etc. Given the circumstances I think he did a great job. But the public doesn't see circumstances when they watch the act, they see what it is.

Or in the immortal words, and I quote, "I did the best I could with what I had." LOL

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

The comment was "my favorite part is after the lay down when he styles 2000 people don't clap." Niche facing the intangibles doesn't make the act something it is not. It doesn't make a laydown any less boring. And as Ben noted with the amount of experience they are likely to hire, this is about on par. The act is what it is, or to use another frequent quote he did the best he could with what he was given.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...


I am deathly afraid to think that for the last 15 mins I was thinking the same thing as you............but apparently by our comments coming in within 2 mins of each other.......I was

I may need a 12 step program to get my brain fixed now,,,,,,,,,lol

Wade G. Burck said...

Charley and GGW also did the best the could with what they were given. As has everybody, the results are an intangible, as there is no valid "record book".

Wade G. Burck said...

The way I am quoted, you would think a 12 step would not be necessary. LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

If you want to make a statement like what you sent, you have to have a name, or email me at and convince me you need anonymity. Until then dummy up until you get some courage.