Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gary Ambrose--Circus Zavatta

Courtesy of Christopher Roullin


Anonymous said...

There are a LOT of show using the name Zavatta together with a forename. I wonder which this is. Certainly not Cirque Achille Zavatta Fils.

Anonymous said...

Gary Started to work first in a zoo in England later he became stable chief in some circusses and in 1994 he presented the chipperfield tigers in the chipperfield circus. Later he went on tour with the tigers and presented them in many little belgium and frence circusses. He presented for many years in The moscow circus owned by the family Iarz. He was also for many years with different Zavatta's. In 2005 he presented his old tigers for the last time. In 2007 he restart to train some young lions for the Zavatta Circus in Frence. Now in 2008 he presented almost 20 lions in the Zavatta circus owned by the family Prein.


Wade G. Burck said...

What is "almost" 20 lions? 11,14,17,19? I think you could be a circus publicist. LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

Possibly Zim Zam Zavatta Zing? I can assume they are each claiming to be the original, and the rest are imitators?

Anonymous said...

In the menagerie their are 20 lions but I think in the show their are 16 but I don't now search I'll do some research for you.

Anonymous said...

I found some sites who said 12 lions some others said 20 if I see this picture I thinks their are 12.



NO. I took this photo and there are 10 lions ( male and female)into the cage. It is a beautiful act;
and this the circus ZAVATTA des frères Prein.

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. I think our "non circus" friends are starting to get an idea of how history works in this business. I wonder how many history will record. We had this discussion recently on another act, and I was lead to believe numbers were not important.

Anonymous said...

Gary worked for Jim Clubb in 1987 - 1988 as an assistant with the big mixed group in the Gandey Circus witch was then presented by Jennifer Solomon.


Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. I have never heard of Jennifer Soloman. Clubb sure had a number of different women working for him, that seemed to appear, and then disappear.

Anonymous said...

Before going to the Iarz Family in Belgium, he presented his tigers in Holland: Herman Renz. I believe it was in 2002.


Anonymous said...

Didnt Gary also present his tigers at Austen brothers back in 1988

Anonymous said...

Gary was the back men of Jim Clubb cage act for a short while (1988/1989) on Circus Austen Bros. Jennifer Solomon was presenting the act.
And Xavier he was on Renz in 2001.

Wade G. Burck said...

Who are you? Please email me at and introduce yourself. Any information you have about Gary Ambrose would be appreciated.

Wade G. Burck said...

The "back man"(that's a good name, by the way) is the most important part of a two person act. The presenter is only another piece of equipment or a prop, like a mirrored ball or a pedestal. John Illig had no problem working the bear act without a "back man", and most trainers don't.

Anonymous said...

Christopher - thats a long, long pole for young lions. Was Gary using meat on the end of it?

And what does the letter J stand for on the pedestals?


Anonymous said...

This was one of Gary's first performances before he worked on a zoo in England and in 1989 he did a season on Cirque Pinder in France with some tigers don't know who trained them, I think from Chipperfield or maybe Clubb ?! The women in John Illig's bear act were just for the beautiful sight of a big bear and a small women, not ?


Wade G. Burck said...

"The women in John Illig's bear act were just for the beautiful sight of a big bear and a small women, not ?"

The only reason you think that is a beautiful sight, is you never saw me in the cage. If you had, you would really know what beautiful is, and they would just be props.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean the men with the blonde hair and the pink costum?


Wade G. Burck said...

LOL That's very good. Where did you learn to be such a smart ass? You are getting as good as Ryan and Casey. You guy's better start taking it serious or folks are going to think something is wrong with you. LOL

jennifersolomon said...

FOR WADE G BURCK,Im Jennifer Solomon and i have taken affence to your comment of I have never heard of Jennifer Soloman. Clubb sure had a number of different women working for him, that seemed to appear, and then disappear.
you really need to do your homework so maybe u should disappear and go and get your facts right,i work for jim clubb and sally chipperfield from 1978 to 1993 ,i also work with jim clubb infact i was trained by jim clubb,so from 1978 to 1993 all the animale acts that was trained at that time was done by jim clubb and me jennifer solomon and the big mixed cage act that was at battersea was not a two person act,this act was green and had never work in front of people,i agree that the back man is just as important ,do u know why he is called a backman,will tell you as dont want you getting your kinckers in a twist he is called a backman as he watches your back,this was a green act so my back needed watching ,and do not like the remark The presenter is only another piece of equipment or a prop, like a mirrored ball or a pedestal. ,so now i will disappear jennifer solomon

Wade G. Burck said...

Sorry, not to alarm you, but I still haven't heard of you. Even with the supplied biography. Odd to, because you sound like such a sophisticated lady.
Speaking of research, we have "green acts" here in the Colonies also. I myself have had a number of them. I suspect other parts of the world do also. It is not an exclusive Brit thing, sorry to tell you. We also have "back men" only we call them assistants(so that if it is a women we don't have to be stupid and call them back persons), and they stand a lot further back. So far back they are actually outside the cage, and not inside the cage. Doesn't matter if it is the animals first time in the cage or it's 1000th, only one person allowed in the cage. I have noted that the talent as you mention tends to be be the "back man" which is most likely why I have heard of them, and not you.

Regards, and you are welcome back any time. If you have any photo's you would like to share of your work(Thomas likes bikini's by the way)please forward them to me and I will be glad to post them on circusnospin.


jennifersolomon said...

hi im back,sorry to alarm you also but never heard of u either so on that one DITTO,would like to say thankyou for the quick reply,will try and get a couple of pic up for you to see ,well the bikini is a 100% NO NO SO poor old thomas can only dream thankyou for inviting me back, bish wishes jennife

Wade G. Burck said...

Welcome back. I would not have expected you to have heard of me, and I am surely not alarmed. We ran in different crowd's. I pissed with the big dog's and you pissed with the pup's.
Thank you for the friend request on facebook:

Jennifer Solomon 8:01pm Jul 31
Hi my name is jennifer solomon read your blog no spin circus u done a bit on jim clubb would like to know what this means : THAT I WAS CLUBBIES ROOT ON THE SIDE :,I have post a reply to what was said like what i put in my reply how can this person say this about me he does not even know me i worked for jim clubb for over 15 yearrs and i work loads more animals falcos elephants i went to japan with the 4 bears and would like to put the record straight the baboons i trained them not jim clubb i help train all the animals from 1979 to 1993 i work very hard to get were i got nothing was handed to me on a plate but though hard work and thanks to jim clubb i achived the level that was very high not having ago at you just putting a few things right jennifer solomon.

hi, have just read your reply and would like to say u sound like a nice man and don't want to alarm you either but also have never heard of you, it just makes me mad when people make comment about someone and they don't even know them, have got a couple of pic but sorry to say not in a bikini got couple of me working the mixed group and couple of me in japan working the bears and one or two of the baboons Jennifer PS thank you for replying to my post again Jennifer

I don't get to facebook but once a month or so, so I will accept your request when I have a moment. I see where you are a psychic. If that is true, it sure explains some things.
