Tuesday, December 2, 2008

James C. Hall Bear Act--Evansville 2008

For readers who are not aware of it, the blond beauty in these pictures is my son Adam's fiancee, soon to be wife, and my honey Elaine Hall. The other two people who assist Elaine with the bears are her lovely mother, Tepa and her highly skilled, but agitating father, Jimmy. Rumor on the tanbark and sawdust trail, is that what has been referred to as " One of America's Greatest Bear Acts of All Time", will be reduced to a shell of it's former glory after December 9, 2008, and " Great Britain's Greatest Female Wild Animal Trainer" will have to arrange for her own companionship, without men from the 25-30 year old age bracket. LOL


Wade G. Burck said...

You are such a sad, sad, caricature of anything of value. I can only assume you have achieved much in the animal training profession, as you are so proud of your name. Whoops sorry. That's right you haven't achieved anything let alone much. Just stay out of the way little lady, you don't want to be hurt, while the big dogs are training.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Mr. Burck, is the Greatest Female Wildaniml trainer from Great Britain that you are talking about Mary Chipperfield.

Donovan from Spain

Anonymous said...

Jeez Wade - I wish we could see some of those "anonymous" posts......just to see what you are responding too!!! LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

No, not Mary Chipperfield, although I would have thought the same thing. No "Great Britain's Greatest Female Wild Animal Trainer" actually had the cheek to use that announcement.
I think she was probably greater then then Mary Chipperfield, because her publicity says she has "tamed" all kind of animals like horses, sea lions, monkeys, ice bears, big cats and the legendary white tigers of Siegfried & Roy in Las Vegas. Her young boyfriend, who was on the tent crew told some friends of mine, that she was a greater "tiger whisperer" then Sara, when Sara Houcke was on Ringling, because she had been in America longer. They were Mexican working men telling us what makes some one great in America so I guess we just have to take their word for it. She also set a new standard for "tipping the prop crew" that nobody have been able to match before or after. So I think the announcement was probably correct.

Wade G. Burck said...

I'll let you in on a little secret, about those backboneless anonymous. They are not so anonymous, they leave a smell that is pretty identifying. Do you know who this is:
IP Address [Label IP Address]
Country Australia
Region -
City -
ISP Optus Internet - Retail

It narrows it down considerably? LOL But they are still that ignorant. They will use their name at times, as they want you to think they are proud of their name, and afraid of no man. And it is that phoniness that has killed this thing of ours. In short they are not really anonymous. You can't see them, but you can smell them 1000 or 2 miles away.